  • ISBN:9787302563228
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:256
  • 出版时间:2020-09-01
  • 条形码:9787302563228 ; 978-7-302-56322-8


《进出口贸易实务:慕课版:英文》结合我国进出口贸易的具体实践,秉承培养进出口经理人的目标,以货物进出口贸易中的习惯做法、贸易惯例和法律为依据,详细介绍了靠前货物买卖合同的订立和履行、靠前货物买卖的标的物、进出口商品的定价和汇率风险、靠前货物运输与保险、靠前结算以及进出口贸易争端与解决机制问题。 为尽可能地贴近进出口贸易实际并满足靠前化人才培养需求,《进出口贸易实务:慕课版:英文》采用全英文编写,引导读者从总体上把握进出口业务流程、深入理解相关法律法规和惯例,针对重点和难点内容设计、选用了相关问题和案例,并配有丰富的在线课程资源和拓展阅读资料。《进出口贸易实务:慕课版:英文》可作为高等院校经管类专业学生学习靠前贸易实务课程的教材,也可供靠前贸易从业人员自学、参考。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Importance of International Trade 1.2 Features of International Transactions 1.2.1 Transaction Risks 1.2.2 Institutional and Political Risks 1.3 Organizations and Legal Environment of International Trade 1.3.1 International Trade Organizations 1.3.2 Legal System of International Trade 1.4 Three-Step Trade Process 1.4.1 Preparation for Contract 1.4.2 Negotiation of Contract 1.4.3 Performance of Contract 1.5 Scope and Resources 1.5.1 Scope of This Book 1.5.2 Available Resources Exercise Part Ⅰ Contracts for International Sale of Goods Chapter 2 Formation of Contracts 2.1 Inquiry 2.2 Offer 2.2.1 What Is an Offer? 2.2.2 Effectiveness of an Offer 2.3 Counteroffer 2.4 Acceptance 2.4.1 What Is an Acceptance? 2.4.2 Late Acceptance 2.4.3 Withdrawal of an Acceptance 2.5 Contracts in Writing 2.5.1 Countersignature 2.5.2 Elements of International S/C Exercise Chapter 3 Performance of Contracts 3.1 General Procedure of Export and Import 3.1.1 For Export on CIF Term with Payment by L/C 3.1.2 For Import on FOB Term with Payment by L/C 3.2 Main Formalities 3.2.1 Goods Preparation 3.2.2 Transportation 3.2.3 Insurance 3.2.4 Inspection 3.2.5 Customs Clearance 3.2.6 Payment 3.2.7 Claims and Settlement Exercise Part Ⅱ Subject Terms Chapter 4 Name and Quality 4.1 Name of Commodity 4.2 Quality of Commodity 4.2.1 Sale by Sample 4.2.2 Sale by Description Exercise …… Part Ⅲ Trade Terms and Pricing Part Ⅳ Cargo Transport Part Ⅴ Cargo Insurance Part Ⅵ Payment Part Ⅶ Disputes and Settlement Glossary References



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