

1星价 ¥59.3 (7.6折)
2星价¥59.3 定价¥78.0
  • ISBN:9787520370318
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:162
  • 出版时间:2020-05-01
  • 条形码:9787520370318 ; 978-7-5203-7031-8


宁夏盐池县位于陕甘宁蒙四省交界,地处毛乌素沙漠南缘,是革命老区、重量贫困县,“老”“少”“边”“穷”在很长时间都是盐池县的代名词。盐池县脱贫之路经历了五个阶段:从 1983—1993年 “三西”建设到 1994—2000年 “双百”攻坚,从2001—2010年千村扶贫到2011—2015年百万贫困人口扶贫,再到2016—2020年精准扶贫,经过几代人坚持不懈的努力,盐池县成功实现脱贫。特别是党的十八大以来,盐池县深入贯彻落实总书记关于精准扶贫精准脱贫基本方略,举全县之力向贫困发起总攻,找准脱贫攻坚之路,压实主体责任,激发贫困群众内生动力,统筹实施产业扶贫、金融扶贫、光伏扶贫、科技扶贫、生态扶贫、基础提升等十项工程,通过发展滩羊、牧草、中草药、小杂粮、黄花和适合农户增收的家庭经营小品种产业为重点,强产业稳增收,夯摘帽,成为宁夏个脱贫摘帽县。本报告认为,在党和政府的领导下,盐池人民将中国特色扶贫脱贫之路成功付诸实践,创造了脱贫攻坚伟大奇迹,彻底改变了盐池的历史面貌。脱贫攻坚的盐池经验是,严格按照党中央作出打赢脱贫攻坚战的重大决策部署,实施产业扶贫、金融扶贫、光伏扶贫、基础提升等十项工程,瞄准贫困群众发展产业资金短缺的薄弱环节,以此为扶贫工作的突破口,创新开展互助资金、评级授信、四信平台建设等多种金融扶贫小额信贷工作,全面构建社会信用体系,打造诚信社会,创新担保模式,以 “互助资金”结合 “千村信贷”撬动了数倍发展资金,扩大贫困户评级授信覆盖面;创新推行 “扶贫保”,破解了建档立卡贫困户贷款困难、因病因灾返贫等十大难题,形成了独具特色的盐池模式。盐池样板的意义在于,充分发挥政治优势、制度优势和政策优势,采取综合措施,加大脱贫攻坚力度,以久久为功的韧性,夯实基础、授人以渔,从源头上阻断贫困的代际传递,彻底改变贫困地区的落后面貌。同时,巩固提升扶贫攻坚成果,坚持摘帽不摘责任、摘帽不摘政策、摘帽不摘帮扶、摘帽不摘监管,扶贫工作与实施乡村振兴战略相结合,真正使县域经济强起来和农民富起来。


Chapter 1 Overview of Yanchi
1.1 History of Yanchi
1.2 Natural Ecology and Resource Situations of Yanchi
1.3 Socio-Economic Development of Yanchi

Chapter 2 Why is Yanchi So Poor
2.1 Poverty Situations in Yanchi County before 1980s
2.2 Poverty Characteristics of Yanchi County
2.3 Main Causes of Poverty in Yanchi County

Chapter 3 Poverty Alleviation is the Only Way to Getting Rid of Poverty
3.1 Process of Poverty Alleviation
3.2 Major Measures in Poverty Alleviation
3.3 Comprehensive Promoting of Poverty Alleviation
3.4 Consolidation and Promotion of Poverty Alleviation

Chapter 4 Cases of Achievement of Poverty Alleviation in Yanchi
4.1 Gathering the Power of the Parly and Government Cadres to Fight against Poverty
4.2 "Coming with a Heart, and Leaving without a Blade of Grass"
4.3 Bringing Together the Strong Resultant Forces of Poverty Alleviation and People Enriching
4.4 "Financial Running Water" Infiltrates the Poverty Alleviation and People Enriching Road
4.5 The "Poverty Alleviation Insurance" Supports the "Golden Shield" of Poverty Poverty Alleviation
4.6 "Golden Sun" on the Roof
4.7 "We Do What the Common People Need"

Chapter 5 Removal of "Poverty Label" of "Three -Area" Combination
Chapter 6 Enlightenment from the Yanchi Experience


  《中国脱贫攻坚调研报告——盐池篇(英文版)》:  On the morning of November 12, 2018, Chen Youqiang, Party Secretary of Hui'anbao Town, Yanchi County immediately drove to Daba Village and Langbuzhang Village after participating in the promotion meeting for poverty alleviation of Yanchi County, to check up the conditions of prohibition of stalk burning and construction of farmland water conservancy in the two villages.  In 2016, in promotion of daylily planting, there was an undercurrent of antipathy in the masses of Liu Shizui Team and First Team of Daba Village. Chen Youqiang used the time of weekends and evenings to go deep into the peasant households for ideological work. Many people gradually recognized and began to try to plant daylily. In the past two years, the total area of daylily planted by First Team and Liu Shizui Team of Daba Village reached 1,900 mu. The net income per mu in 2018 reached 3, 500 yuan. "The daylily price is better than corn." People said happily.  In the past, the water-saving irrigation project was also less popular among the local masses. Chen Youqiang divided the town and village cadres into several groups to do the ideological work for the masses from door to door, and shared them with the policies, situations and benefits. Over the past two years, the water-saving irrigation project of Huianbu Town has been launched in all the villages. In 2018, the water-saving irrigation area of Huianbu Town reaches more than 30,000 mu.  Zhao Shenglong, a peasant in the new construction team of Mengcheng Village, was nearly 60 years old, and lived in a dilapidated cave before relocation. After knowing the situation, Chen Youqiang went to Zhao Shenglong's house to do ideological work and ran for no less than 10 times. Finally, Zhao Shenglong was moved and agreed to move to the migration area. Then, his living conditions were greatly improved.  In order to effectively increase the income for the migrant masses, Chen Youqiang has actively strived for the courtyard economy project, to construct greenhouses of 120 square meters, rainwater collection fields of 100 square meters and one water collection cellar for the relocated peasant households. In 2018, Zhao Shenglong planned to plant asparagus in greenhouses. It was estimated that the income of a greenhouse in the next year would reach 3,000 yuan. Zhao Shenglong, though illiterate, drew the Party emblem in the registered supporting manual. He said to everyone, "Chen Youqiang is a good secretary in Huianbu Town."  "Poverty alleviation is the bottom line, and prosperity is the key. To dare to overcome difficulties, and be responsible, you can be a good cadre who can stand the test of the masses." Chen Youqiang said.  The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides, we are conquering its summit. In the face of the weak basic conditions and the lingering poverty of generations, the leading cadres at all levels in Yanchi were determined to work hard to reverse the fate. With the unshirkable responsibility, prosperity achievement guiding determination and decisive posture, they deeply implemented the priority poverty alleviation strategy, and exploited new ways for poverty alleviation and prosperity which conform to the actual conditions. It can be said that Yanchi County gets rid of poverty and removed from the poverty list with high quality because of the leading groups at all levels who unite all efforts for a common purpose, level-by-level implementation pattern of poverty alleviation and inheritance of the revolutionary spirit in the base areas.  ……


  Zhang Fenglin,an international innovation engineer; data analyst; founder (at autonomous region level) of Public Innovation and Entrepreneurship Space; pathfinder and senior consultant of Ningxia Lanlve Think Tank Research Institute.    Wang Lincong,a vice president of China-Africa Institute and a doctoral supervisor of Institute. Xiong Yuan, a teacher of the Lakeside Branch School of Yinchuan 21st Primary School in Ningxia.

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