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  • ISBN:9787520368650
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:174
  • 出版时间:2020-05-01
  • 条形码:9787520368650 ; 978-7-5203-6865-0





Chapter 1 Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Xiangxi
1.1 Proposal of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
1.2 An Overview of Xiangxi
1.3 Measures of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi

Chapter 2 History of Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
2.1 Xiangxi Poverty Alleviation Project
2.2 Guarantee for Poverty Alleviation
2.3 Poverty Alleviation Programs
2.4 Relevant Poverty Alleviation Measures
2.5 The Historical Stages of Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
2.6 Relevant Poverty Alleviation Achievements
2.7 Problems and Deficiencies

Chapter 3 Typical Cases of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi (Part I)
3.1 Industrial Poverty Alleviation
3.2 Poverty Alleviation through Tourism
3.3 Rural Revitalization
3.4 Poverty Alleviation through Relocation

Chapter 4 Typical Cases of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi (Part II)
4.1 Alleviation with Innovation
4.2 Poverty Alleviation through Technology
4.3 Poverty Alleviation through Financial Support
4.4 Development Features
4.5 Poverty Alleviation through Promotion
4.6 Poverty Alleviation through E-commerce
4.7 Poverty Alleviation through Education
4.8 Poverty Alleviation through Training

Chapter 5 Achievements Regarding Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi
5.1 Targeted Poverty Alleviation Achievements
5.2 Experience and Enlightenment of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Xiangxi

Chapter 6 The Future of Xiangxi's Poverty Alleviation
6.1 Analysis of Existing Problems and Causes
6.2 The Future of Xiangxi's Poverty Alleviation



  《中国脱贫攻坚调研报告:湘西篇(英文版)》:  In 1995, the Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee and the government formulated Opinions on the Implementation of the Six-Six Project to Feed the Poor. It was intended to solve the problem of food and clothing for 600, 000 people in the prefecture in 6 years. At the same time, the Decision on Accelerating Mountain Development and Building Pillar Industries was issued, and the Prefecture's Mountain Development Master Plan was revised and improved. At the end of that year, the Prefectural Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development formulated the Four-line and Two-water Watersheds Poverty Alleviation Industry Development Plan. Its main contents included: making the county economy into a whole unit, taking the Fruit Medicine Tea Mulberry Animal as the leading industry, developing and constructing the Fruit Medicine Tea Mulberry Base along the National Highway, provincial road, railway, river and reservoir on a large scale, while also establishing a base of medicinal_ materials in the high altitude of the mountains. This project also included the planning and construction of 100 towns with an area of more than 333 hectares and 300 villages with an area of more than 66 hectares and forming four industrial belts: the 13, 333 hectare Ponkan industrial belt along the Wushui River Watersheds; the 6, 666 hectare tea and fruit industrial belt along the railway from Guzhangmerong to Yongshun Yongmao; the 6,666 hectare Orange Pomelo industrial belt along the highway line from Longxi Township in Baojing to Liye Wan Tang at Long Mountain; and the 6, 666 hectare Mulberry industrial belt along the China National Highway 209 line. Two medicinal herb bases were constructed as well, 6,666 hectares each, with Daan Township, Long Mountain and Huayuan Pailiao Township as the center. The prefecture planned to develop 13,333 new hectares of citrus by 1997 with an output of more than 1.5 million quintals and 4666 new hectares of tea with an output was 50, 000 quintals. The new development of silkworms was more than 150, 000 quintals, the new development of medicinal herbs was 6,666 hectares, with an output of 150,000 tons while the goat breeding volume reached 800,000, with 500,000 units for slaughter.  In 1998, the Prefecture Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development formulated a three-year development plan for the development of food ration fields throughout the prefecture. Starting in 1998, the prefecture planned to spend three years building 6,666 hectares of basic foodration fields in special hardship villages, and to construct and transform 6, 666 hectares of drought and flood protected farmland in other villages, so that the per capita stable food ration fields in special hardship villages would reach 0. 027 hectares and the rural per capita drought and flood protected farmland would reach 0. 033 hectares.  In 2000, when the Prefecture Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development started a new round of poverty alleviation and development work, it put forward the idea of Hierarchical Advancement, formulated a prefecture-wide quantitative target system for promoting poverty alleviation and development at different levels and developed a new poverty alleviation and work plan. In particular, it decided to implement a new poverty alleviation mechanism for 90 remote poor villages in a holistic ruanner. Starting from January 2001, each village was to have a link between a county-level leader who has rural work experience a sense of responsibility and a strong working ability, and a major township leader. A national official is selected by the first secretary of the village party branch and an agricultural technology official is selected by the deputy director of the village for science and technology. In a village with more than 60 studentsta supporting teacher was to be selected as the principal of the village primary school, which would remain unchanged for five years. If the village did not reduce poverty, the personnel would not change. In terms of capital investment, they decided to raise 87.3 million yuan of non-reimbursable funds in three years from 2001 and grant a poverty alleviation loan of 30 million yuan for the new development of infrastructure and special industries in 90 villages.  ……


李新烽,1960年9月生,陕西渭南人。博士,作家,摄影家。中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所所长,中国非洲研究院常务副院长,中国社会科学院研究生院西亚非洲系主任,二级研究员,博士研究生导师,《西亚非洲》《中国非洲学刊》主编。中国亚非学会副会长,中国非洲史研究会副会长。李新烽曾是人民日报社高级记者、驻南非首席记者和人民网、环球时报社驻南非特派记者,其足迹遍布大半个非洲大陆。2008年作为人才引进调入中国社会科学院专业从事非洲问题研究。出版《非洲踏寻郑和路》(修订本)及其英文版,《非凡洲游》两部专著和智库报告《新时代中非友好合作:新成就、新机遇、新愿景》、《非洲华侨华人报告》(中英文版)等十多部合著,发表中英文学术论文30余篇。温家宝总理为《非洲踏寻郑和路》题词:“山一程,水一程,身向世界行;风一更,雪一更,心怀天下事。”其作品获中宣部第十届精神文明建设“五个一工程奖”、第十六届和第二十七届中国新闻奖、中国社会科学院2012年和2016年优秀对策信息一等奖、中国社会科学院2018年和2019年优秀国家智库报告奖、外交部2013年和2016年中非联合交流计划研究课题优秀奖,以及中国国际新闻奖、冰心散文奖、徐迟报告文学奖、中国改革开放优秀报告文学奖和华侨文学奖等十余种全国性奖项。 刘琪洲,1990年11月生,湖南湘西人。法学硕士。2017年至今任湘西州团结报社新闻记者,走遍湘西的山山水水,深入基层采访,熟悉湘西州情,特别是采写了大量湘西扶贫的新闻报道,其中包括《青蒿为媒“共和国勋章”获得者屠呦呦的湘西情缘》《苦心孤诣茶飘香——挂职副市长、茶叶专家王润龙与他的黄金茶梦》《理清思路选好产业发展方向——我州探索走出可复制可推广精准扶贫好路子之六》《“搬”来美好新生活——吉首市易地扶贫搬迁纪实》《安居乐业奔小康》等。2018年,他采写的关于城市惠民工程的新闻报道《七桥飞架惠民生》获首届“湘西新闻奖”。 王南,男,1959年7月生。1987年7月毕业于复旦大学国际政治专业。1990年7月毕业于北京市委党校研究生(班)科学社会主义专业。担任过《人民日报》国际时政版主编。现已退休。他对非洲问题、中东问题和“一带一路”问题等有一定的了解和研究,曾作为东方卫视、北京电视台、人民网、新浪网、浙江广播电台、北京广播电台等媒体的嘉宾,评论国际问题,还就相关国际问题为有关部门和企业提供咨询。在《人民日报》、《工人日报》、《环球时报》、人民网、《亚非纵横》、《西亚非洲》、《阿拉伯研究》、《非洲研究》、《亚太安全与海洋研究》、《新丝路学刊》等媒体和学术刊物上发表过相关报道和文章。目前兼职上海师范大学非洲研究中心研究员、上海外国语大学丝路战略研究所学术顾问。为中国亚非学会理事、中国亚非发展交流协会理事、中国非洲问题研究会理事、中国非洲史研究会理事。

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