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  • ISBN:9787520368582
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:245
  • 出版时间:2020-05-01
  • 条形码:9787520368582 ; 978-7-5203-6858-2


2019 年 5 月 7 日, 延安向世界宣告脱贫了! 这一卓著功绩是延安坚持以脱贫攻坚统揽全市经济社会发展大局? 贯彻落实总书记 “发挥两个明显优势” “破解一个明显制约”指示精神取得的? 如今的延安拥有常住人口 226万, 全市GDP 达 1558?? 91 亿元, 人均可支配收入为 22357 元? 延安实现了从基本温饱向告别保证贫困? 走向富裕的历史性跨越?延安这片革命圣地, 曾经黄沙漫天? 荒凉贫瘠, 多次被联合国教科文组织称为 “不适宜人类居住的地方”? 那么, 延安究竟是怎样实现成功脱贫的呢?本报告认为, 在延安精神的照耀下, 延安将中国特色扶贫开发道路成功付诸实践, 在中华大地上演绎出了奋力向上的脱贫攻坚伟大奇迹?延安减贫经历了四个阶段? 延安经历了 1935—1949 年中央落脚延安时期的减贫实践, 1949—1978 年新中国成立初期的减贫实 践, 1978—2012 年 改 革 开 放 以 来 的 减 贫 实 践, 以 及2012 年至今新时代以来的精准脱贫实践四个阶段?延安减贫交上六份答卷? 延安在解决区域贫困? 增强经济实力? 改善基础设施? 提升脱贫能力? 实现整体蜕变? 提高可持续发展能力六个方面, 交上了让人民满意的答卷?延安扶贫有七个举措? 包括: 扶贫组织工作有力? 精准扶贫扎实推进? 扶贫资金有效融合? 产业扶贫全面开花? 生态扶贫绿山富民? 社会扶贫凝聚合力? 精神扶贫拔掉穷根?延安区县市脱贫各有妙招? 延安在成功脱贫的过程中, 2 区1 市 10 县, 每个地方都有自己的特色, 每个地区都形成了自己独特的脱贫妙招?延安脱贫具有重要的意义? 延安的脱贫是中国减贫事业取得历史性成就的一个缩影, 是中国精准脱贫的一个缩影, 是中国绿色脱贫的一个缩影, 也是中国革命老区可持续脱贫的一个缩影? 延安的脱贫实践, 为世界各国减贫提供了一个很好范例,为推进构建人类命运共同体书写了光辉一页?


Preface The Road to Poverty Alleviation and Development with Chinese Characteristics
1.1 Chronicles of the road to poverty alleviation and development with Chinese Characteristics
1.2 The experience of the road to poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics
1.3 Successful poverty alleviation in Yan'an is a microcosm of China's poverty reduction and sustainable development

Chapter 1 Yan'an Declares Victory in Poverty Alleviation, Attracting Global Attention
1.1 Yan'an Declares its Victory in Poverty Alleviation to the World
1.2 The Impressions of Foreign Tourists
1.3 African Scholars' Impressions on Yan'an

Chapter 2 The Four Steps of China's Poverty Alleviation Program in Yan'an
2.1 Yan'an in History: War and Poverty
2.2 From 1935 to 1949, The Communist Party of China Gradually Transforms Yan'an
2.3 From 1949 to 1978, the People Republic of China Brought a New Look to Yan'an
2.4 From 1978 to 2012, the Reform and Opening-up Awakens the Vitality of Yan'an
2.5 Yan'an has Embarked on the Road of Targeted Poverty Alleviation since 2012

Chapter 3 Six Satisfying Achievements in Poverty Reduction
Chapter 4 Seven Effective Poverty Alleviation Measures
Chapter 5 Poverty-Alleviation Coups in Yan'an and Its Districts and Counties
Chapter 6 The Significance of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Yan'an

Conclusion Building a community with a shared future for mankind


  《中国脱贫攻坚调研报告:延安篇(英文版)》:  The key to a fighting a good fight against poverty lies in focusing and refocusing, precision and still greater precision. As the saying goes, "the cure for a disease will only be found through seeking to cure that disease and the root of poverty will only be found ingoing about helping the poor". Only when the "prescription" is correctly formulated can the "root of poverty" be pulled out. On the basis of a profound analysis of the characteristics of poor areas, Yan'an has further refined and determined the "Eight Batches" poverty alleviation project according to the "Five Batches" targeted poverty alleviation project proposed by the Central Government. For those who have the ability to work, poverty alleviation can be achieved through industrial support, employment and entrepreneurship, educational support., etc.. For those who have lost the ability to work, poverty alleviation through basic support will be implemented via the social security system For those who are poor through illness, medical assistance will be provided. For those who live in places where "one side of the soil and water cannot support one side of the people", poverty alleviation can be achieved through relocation, the renovation of dilapidated buildings, ecological compensation, etc.. In short, targeted at specific poor villages, poor people to provide targeted assistance.  First, developing industries should help people to shake off poverty. For those poor who have the ability to work, have cultivated land or other resources but lack funds, industries and skills, they should take local resources as their bedrock, and should be able to take advantage of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, commerce and tourism. By support.ing the development of characteristic industries, local poverty alleviation can be realized.  Second, people can be relocated to help them to shake off poverty. Through the relocation and resettlement of the poor rural population who lack a good living environment and safe housing, their environment for life and work will be fundamentally improved. Poor households can thus "move from their poor homes, sever their poor roots and move from their poor industries" completely and the prospect of inter-generational transmission of poverty will be blocked. Meanwhile, the relocation of the masses to implement centralized employment placement, to ensure that the poor masses can move out, live steadily and become rich.  Third, the renovation of dilapidated buildings can help people to shake off poverty. By focusing closely on achieving the goal of "safe and secure housing", poor households with poverty registration cards have been placed in a prominent position. All efforts will be made to renovate dilapidated buildings for 4 categories of resident-namely, poor households with poverty registration cards, low-income households, families in rural areas which cannot readily access supports and families with poor disabled members, so as to effectively improve the housing safety of poor households in rural areas.  Fourth, employment and entrepreneurship support policies should be implemented to help people shake off poverty. Vocational skills training and the transfer of employment will be vigorously camed out, so that every poor household with the ability to work can have a least one person in stable employment. Through the creation of employment in the vicinity, local enterprises can generate local labor. Through the placement of people in public welfare jobs, the employment problem of the "three noes" in the poor labor force can be solved. Meanwhile, entrepreneurship is encouraged to promote employment, poverty alleviation co-operation to solve employment, vocational skills training to promote employment and other forms, to achieve employment income, shaking off poverty and getting rich.  ……

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