

1星价 ¥43.2 (7.2折)
2星价¥43.2 定价¥60.0
  • ISBN:9787114145261
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:245
  • 出版时间:2020-11-01
  • 条形码:9787114145261 ; 978-7-114-14526-1


With the rapid development of China ’s globalization, improving English communication skills has become increasingly important nowadays. The first step to enhance English skills is through implementations of English courses of collegestudents,which is usually given in the first two years of the four-year undergraduateprogram. However,for students whose majors are engineering,the college Englishcourses play limited roles in their future careers,even though those courses arenecessary for improving their common-life communication skills. The second stepis through professional English courses,which provide students with the opportunitiesof learning engineering-related courses in English,but the credit hours of thosecourses are very limited. The third step is through the bilingual teaching or full-English teaching,which gives students the opportunities of not only learning careerrelated knowledge but also improving the proficiency in professional English本书编写的指导思想是以中国的工程实践和建设规范为主要内容,以英文语言和表达习惯编写,其间穿插欧美设计和施工经验以扩充学生的视野。内容涵盖传统《路基路面工程》的核心内容,体现路基路面整体设计的基本思想,全书包括交通荷载与环境条件、路基土与路面材料、路基设计与边坡防护、路面服务能力与病害、路面应力分析、沥青路面设计、刚性路面设计、道路排水设计、道路施工等。本书可供土木工程专业及道路桥梁与渡河工程专业学生靠前班学生使用,同时也可供从事海外工程技术人员及国外相关专业技术人员参考。


1.Introduction 1.1 Historical Development of Roads in China 1.2 Highway Subgrade and Pavement Structures 1.3 Design Factors 1.4 Road Subgrade and Pavement Engineering 1.5 Summary & Key Points in Chapter 1 Problems and Questions 2.Traffic Loads and Environmental Conditions 2.1 Traffic Loads and their Impacts 2.2 Traffic Data and Collection Methods 2.3 Traffic Data Analysis 2.4 Determination of Accumulative ESAL 2.5 Pavement Environment and Effects 2.6 Climatic Zoning for Highway in China 2.7 Climate Zones for Asphalt Pavement Performance 2.8 Temperature Gradient for Rigid Pavement Design 2.9 Summary and Key Points in Chapter 2 Problems 3.Subgrade Soils and Pavement Materials 3.1 Subgrade Soil Classification 3.2 Subgrade Moisture Conditions and Evaluation 3.3 Subgrade Bearing Capability 3.4 Materials Used in Pavement Engineering 3.5 Material Structural Characterization 3.6 Material Mechanical Characterization 3.7 Summary Problems 4.Highway Drainage System 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Surface Drainage 4.3 Subsurface Drainage 4.4 Summary of Chapter 4 Problems and Questions 5.Subgrade Serviceability and Stress Analysis 5.1 Subgrade Serviceability and Distresses 5.2 Subgrade Stress Analysis and Working Area 5.3 Side Slope Stability Analysis 5.4 Stress Analysis for Retaining Wall Design 5.5 Summary of Chapter 5 Problems and Questions 6.Pavement Serviceability and Stress Analysis 6.1 Asphalt Pavement Serviceability and Distresses 6.2 Concrete Pavement Serviceability 6.3 Stresses and Strains in Flexible Pavements 6.4 Concrete Pavement Stress Analysis 6.5 Summary of Chapter 6 Problems 7.Highway Subgrade Design 7.1 Design Methodology 7.2 Design Principles or Basic Requirements 7.3 Roadbed Design 7.4 Subgrade Cross-section Design 7.5 Subgrade Drainage Requirements 7.6 Subgrade Slope Protection and Retaining Structures 7.7 Subsidiary Facility Design 7.8 Summary of Chapter 7 Problems and Questions 8.Asphalt Pavement Design 8.1 Design Methodology 8.2 Design Theory, Criterion, and Parameters 8.3 Design Data Collection and Analysis 8.4 Pavement Combination Design 8.5 Mix Proportion Design and Material Parameters 8.6 Verification of Layer Thickness 8.7 Drawings of Pavement Design 8.8 Summary of Chapter 8 Problems and Questions 9.Concrete Pavement Design 9.1 Design Methodology 9.2 Design Theory, Criteria, and Parameters 9.3 Design Preparation and Data Analysis 9.4 Concrete Pavement Combination Design 9.5 Mix Proportion and Pavement Thickness Verification 9.6 Concrete Pavement Design Examples 9.7 Summary of Chapter 9 Problems and Questions References

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