

¥43.5 (7.4折) ?
1星价 ¥43.5
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  • ISBN:9787308188234
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:291页
  • 出版时间:2020-12-01
  • 条形码:9787308188234 ; 978-7-308-18823-4


  《国际经济学》的主要特色是汉英对照。  与国外原版英文教材相比,《国际经济学》保持了英文表述的原汁原味,同时为了更好地满足国内读者的需求,教材的章节标题、关键词和知识点等都配有中文注释,以便读者能够更快地理解教材内容并掌握重点知识;与国内中文教材相比,《国际经济学》基于当前世界政治、经济、文化的国际背景,用英文表述国际经济学的课程内容,尽量保持国内外知识的同步,教材空白处的设计可以留给学生做笔记或翻译之用。  《国际经济学》共13章,包括国际贸易理论、国际贸易政策和国际金融三部分内容。其中第1章为引言,主要介绍当前的国际经济背景及教材的总体内容和框架体系;第2章至第5章为国际贸易理论部分,主要介绍经典的国际贸易理论及当代具有代表性的国际贸易理论,从多角度、多层面来解释商品和生产要素国际流动的原因;第6章至第10章为国际贸易政策部分,主要介绍国际贸易中的两类工具(关税和非关税贸易壁垒)、两类国家(发展中国家和发达国家)的贸易政策,以及国际社会中的一类组织(区域性贸易合作组织);第11章至13章为国际金融部分,主要介绍货币国际流动的现状、原因及应对策略。


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What Is International Economics About
1.2 The Gains from Trade
1.3 The Pattern of Trade
1.4 Protectionism
1.5 Balance of Payments
1.6 Exchange Rate Determination
1.7 International Policy Coordination
1.8 The International Capital Market
1.9 International Economics:Trade and Finance
1.10 Has the World Gotten Smaller
1.11 Do Old Rules Still Apply

Chapter 2 Classical Theories of International Trade
2.1 Mercantilism
2.2 Absolute Advantage:Adam Smith
2.3 Comparative Advantage:David Ricardo
2.4 Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Cost
2.5 Comparative Advantage with More Than Two Commodities and Countries

Chapter 3 New Classical Theories of International Trade
3.1 H-O Theory
3.2 The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
3.3 Factor-price Equalization
3.4 The Rybczynski Theorem
3.5 The Leontief Paradox
3.6 Specific Factor Model

Chapter 4 Modern Trade Theory
4.1 Inter-industry Trade and Intra-industry Trade
4.2 Product Life Cycle Theory
4.3 Theory of Overlapping Demands
4.4 Economies of Scale
4.5 Reciprocal Dumping Model

Chapter 5 International Factor Movements Theory
5.1 International Movement of Labor
5.2 International Movement of Capital
5.3 Economic Analysis of International Labor and Capital Movement

Chapter 6 Tariffs
6.1 Theories for Trade Protection
6.2 Tariffs
6.3 Effect of a Tariff on Consumer and Producer Surplus

Chapter 7 Non-tariff Trade Barriers
7.1 An Introduction to Non-tariff Trade Barriers
7.2 Import Quota
7.3 Export Subsidy
7.4 Dumping
7.5 Voluntary Export Restraints
7.6 Local Content Requirements
7.7 Other Trade Policy Instruments

Chapter 8 Trade Policies for Developing Nations
8.1 Developing-nation Trade Characteristics
8.2 The Problem of Developing Nations
8.3 Generalized System of Preferences
8.4 Stabilizing Primary Product Price
8.5 Economics Growth Strategies

Chapter 9 Trade Policies for Developed Nations
Chapter 10 Regional Trade Agreements
Chapter 11 Balance of Payments
Chapter 12 Money,Interest Rates,and Exchange Rates
Chapter 13 Financial Globalization:Opportunity and Crisis


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