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  • ISBN:9787512143685
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:224
  • 出版时间:2021-02-01
  • 条形码:9787512143685 ; 978-7-5121-4368-5


铁道工程专业英语以英语为工具系统学习各种铁路轨道及组成、设计原理和方法、轨道管理维修等相关知识。主通过对此教材的学习,可以使读者系统掌握轨道工程设计、施工、管理等方面专业外语。对国内外很好课程和教材,以及近期新的学术和实践成果进行整理,试图建立新的更加科学和实用的课程框架体系,按照教育目标分类的原理,提取核心知识点并按以下原则编写: 1.层次分明,重点突出,反应中国铁道工程成绩; 2.语言连贯,可读性强,注重知识之间的联系; 3.图文并茂,实用性:经验、技巧的总结; 4.优选性强,取材广泛,代表性强。


第1部分 专业阅读 LESSON 1 IntrOduction 1.1 Early Beginning 1.2 Development and Diversification 1.3 The Customer 1.4 The Operator 1.5 Overall Planning 1.6 Choice ofRoute andLevel 1.7 Resources Required LESSON 2 Station Layout 2.1 The Customer and the Design Process 2.2 The Need for Standards 2.3 The Objectives in Station Planning 2.4 The Concept ofSpeed and Flow 2.5 The Consideration ofTime 2.6 Planning forNormal Operation 2.7 CapacityRequirements 2.8 TicketHalls 2.9 Access and Interchange LESSON 3 Rail profile 3.1 FunctionofRails 3.2 Types ofRails 3.3 Requirements for an Ideal Rail Section 3.4 RailWear 3.5 Rail Manufacture LESSON 4 Wheel.Rail Interaetion 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Wheel.Rail Guidance 4.3 Wheelset andTrackDimensions 4.4 Conicity 4.5 W101TIWheel Profiles 4.6 Wheel—Rail Contact Stresses LESSON 5 Rolling Stock 5.1 The Range ofRailway Rolling Stock 5.2 Steam Motive Power 5.3 Diesel Traction 5.4 Electric Traction 5.5 Evolution ofWheel Layout 5.6 Freight Rolling Stock 5.7 Specialized Engineering Rolling Stock 5.8 Manufacturing Methods LESSON 6 Depots and Workshops 6.1 Proper Maintenance ofRolling Stock 6.2 Rolling Stock Maintenance Considerations 6.3 Establishing a Maintenance Regime 6.4 Maintenance Management 6.5 Balance between Workshops and Depots 6.6 Depot SiRing 6.7 TheNeeds ofthe Maintainer 6.8 Basic Requirements forDepots LESSON 7 Curves and Gradients 7.1 General Considerations 7.2 Curvature and Superelevation in Horizontal Curves 7.3 Superelevation 7.4 Transition Curves LESSON 8 Track Components 8.1 Basic Components OfTrack 8.2 TrackBallast 8.3 Development ofBallastless Track 8.4 SleeperFunctions 8.5 Timber Sleepers 8.6 Rail Fastenings.Base Plates and Pads 8.7 Points.Switches and Crossings 8.8 Points orTurnouts LESSON 9 Track Design 9.1 TrackLpads 9.2 StaticTrackDesigns 9.3 DynamicTrackDesign LESSON 10 Switch and Turnout 10.1 Introduction ofTumout 10.2 The StandardTumout 10.3 Geometry ofthe Turnout LESSON 11 Bridges and Structures 11.1 ReinforcedConcrete Structures 11.2 PrestressedConcrete 11.3 Brick andMasonry Structures 11.4 Structural Maintenance LESSON 12 Tunnels and Tunneling 12.1 The History ofTunneling 12.2 Cu and Cover Tunnels 12.3 ModeruTunnel Shields 12.4 Differing Ground Conditions 12.5 Construction Methods 12.6 Tunnel Linings 12.7 Vertical and Sloping Shafts 12.8 Size and Shape ofaTunneI 12.9 Tunnel Inspection and Maintenance 12.10 Safety inTunnel Construction LESSON 13 LGV(HSRl Construction 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Preparing the Trackbed 13.3 LayingtheTrack 13.4 JoiningTrackSections 13.5 Adding Ballast 13.6 Finishing Construction LESSON 14 Testing and Acceptance 14.1 Introduction 14.2 ComponentTesting andAcceptance LESSON 15 Earthworks.Drainage and Fencing 15.1 StabilitV ofEarthworks 15.2 ShortTerill Considerations 15.3 Long TerlTl Considerations 15.4 Slips 15.5 Detection ofMovement ofEarthworks 15.6 Dealing with Embankment Slips 15.7 Dealing with Cutting Slips LESSON 16 Noise and Vibration 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Some Definitions 16.3 Vibration Reduction 第2部分图解铁道工程 1.Locomotive 2.Rail Profile 3.Rail Fastening System 4.Railway Sleeper 5.Ballast 6.Rail Joints 7.Ballastless/Nonballasted Track 8.Track Geometry 9.Turnout and Crossings 10.Railway Damage 11.Rail Machine 12.Station Layout 13.RailwayYard 14.Railway Platform 15.Railway Bridge 16.RailwayTunnel 17.Vibration 18.TrackMonitoring Systems 第3部分专业词汇 附录A常用铁道工程网站 参考文献


井国庆,副教授、博士生导师、十数年致力于有砟道床研究,求学欧洲,访学美洲,讲学非洲。主持3项国家自然科学基金,发表论文80篇以上,专著《铁路有砟道床》、《铁路轨枕-理论与实务》、《道床横向阻力》、译著Eseveld《现代轨道结构》、译著Budhima 《高等岩石力学-有砟道床》以及《中英俄高速铁路英文词典》等。

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