Habitat study of giant panda national park

Habitat study of giant panda national park

1星价 ¥47.5 (7.2折)
2星价¥47.5 定价¥66.0
  • ISBN:9787561489383
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:221页
  • 出版时间:2021-03-01
  • 条形码:9787561489383 ; 978-7-5614-8938-3




Chapter 1 Development History and Literature Review of Giant Panda National Park
1.1 A Brief History of Giant Panda National Park Research
1.2 Research Progress at Home and Abroad in Giant Panda National Park
Chapter 2 Natural Survey and Research Process of Minshan Mountain Area
2.1 Resource Profile of Minshan Mountain Area
2.2 Data Processing and Drawing Editing
2.3 Steps to Establish the Niche Model
Chapter 3 Habitat Land Use and Vegetation Cover Changes
3.1 Classification of Remote Sensing Images
3.2 Maximum Likelihood Classification
3.3 Remote Sensing Image Classification
3.4 Classification Information Statistics
3.5 Extraction of Vegetation Coverage
Chapter 4 Habitat Quality Evaluation System for Giant Pandas
4.1 Introduction to Index and Index System Theory
4.2 Evaluation Index System and Index Selection
4.3 Evaluation System Construction Steps and Methods
4.4 Habitat Quality Evaluation Index System
4.5 Quality Evaluation of Giant Panda Habitat
Chapter 5 Suitability Division of Giant Panda National Park
5.1 Run the Maximum Entropy Model (MAXENT)
5.2 MAXENT Predictive Result Detection
5.3 Analysis of the Importance of Environmental Factors
5.4 Classification of Suitable Habitats for Giant Pandas
5.5 Influence of Environmental Factors on Fitness
Chapter 6 Suitability Division of Minshan Mountain area in Giant Panda National Park
6.1 Processing of Distribution Point
6.2 Processing of Climatic Variables
6.3 Evaluation of Suitability of Prediction Model
6.4 Suitability Analysis to Predicting Habitat of Giant Pandas
Chapter 7 Countermeasures and Suggestions of Giant Panda National Park
7.2 Defects in Panda Habitat Management
7.3 Giant Panda Habitat Management Strategies
7.4 Giant Panda Habitat Management Planning


陈文德,Chen,male,from Tongjiang town of Sichuan province, the Chinese communist member of theCommunist Party) of China(CPC), Dr (back), associateprofessor, master tutor, the landscape architecturedepartment, Sichuan University logistics expert databasethe first group of experts (landscape), the committeemember, secretary general of the agricultural geology ofSichuan province branch, ecological society member, themember of the remote sensing geology of Sichuanprovince branch of Sichuan province, Sichuan provinceforestry association, member of the national naturalscience foundation peer reviewed, Global EnvironmentFund (GEF) project experts. 1995.09--1999.07, SichuanAgricultural University, Bachelor's degree in Agriculture;2000.09--2003.07, Sichuan Agricultural University,Master of Agronomy; 2003.09—2008.01, obtained thedoctor's degree of Agronomy from Sichuan AgriculturalUniversity; 2009.08-2012.12,postdoctoral researchstation of Chengdu University of Technology engaged inscientific research.At present,he is mainly engaged inteaching and scientific research in ecological restorationand landscape planning.

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