

¥43.3 (8.7折) ?
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  • ISBN:9787030459947
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:256
  • 出版时间:2016-01-01
  • 条形码:9787030459947 ; 978-7-03-045994-7


《生物学专业英语 Biology-Related English》根据作者在普通生物学双语教学实践与科研中查阅、撰写生物学专业英语文章的经验体会编写而成,包括生物学专业知识与技术、科技英语翻译技巧和专业科技论文写作技巧三篇。**篇涵盖生物学概论、植物学、动物学、微生物学、遗传学、细胞生物学、细胞工程与克隆、发酵工程、生物化学、酶工程、分子生物学、基因工程和转基因食品、基因组学、生物信息学、系统生物学和生态学方面的内容,分为16个单元。每个单元后附英汉对照词语和练习题,每隔两个单元有一次口语表达活动。第二篇包括科技英语行文常规、习惯表达法、翻译原则和实例。第三篇包括科技论文的定义、类型、特点、基本格式和写作步骤与技巧。附录有习题答案、每个单元选段的英译汉范例等内容。《生物学专业英语 Biology-Related English》基于*新生物学研究成果、文献资料和教学实践编写而成,其具有科学性、可操作性、示范性、实用性、综合性、广泛性、生物学基础知识和新技术的统一性及可读性等特点。《生物学专业英语 Biology-Related English》突出了科技英语的写作特点,注重中英文翻译技巧与应用,加强了口语表达技巧训练。


Chapter 1 Special Knowledge and Technologies of Life Sciences 生物学专业知识与技术(1)
Unit 1 Biology Overview 生物学概论
1. Brief Introduction(1)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(6)
3. New Words and Explanations(7)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(8)
5. Exercises(8)
6. References(9)
Unit 2 Plant Biology 植物学(11)
1. Brief Introduction(11)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(17)
3. New Words and Explanations(17)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(19)
5. Exercises(19)
6. References(22)
Unit 3 Animal Biology 动物学(23)
1. Brief Introduction(23)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(34)
3. New Words and Explanations(35)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long English Sentences(37)
5. Exercises(38)
6. References(40)
Unit 4 Microbiology 微生物学(41)
1. Brief Introduction(41)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(47)
3. New Words and Explanations(48)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(49)
5. Exercises(49)
6. References(52)
Unit 5 Genetics 遗传学(53)
1. Brief Introduction(53)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(61)
3. New Words and Explanations(62)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(63)
5. Exercises(64)
6. References(66)
Unit 6 Cell Biology 细胞生物学(67)
1. Brief Introduction(67)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(77)
3. New Words and Explanations(78)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(79)
5. Exercises(80)
6. References(82)
Unit 7 Cell Engineering and Animal Cloning 细胞工程与动物克隆(83)
1. Brief Introduction(83)
2.English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(88)
3. New Words and Explanations(89)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(90)
5. Exercises(91)
6. References(93)
Unit 8 Fermentation Engineering 发酵工程(95)
1. Brief Introduction(95)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(99)
3. New Words and Explanations(100)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(101)
5. Exercises(102)
6. References(103)
Unit 9 Biochemistry 生物化学(105)
1. Brief Introduction(105)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(110)
3. New Words and Explanations(112)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(112)
5. Exercises(113)
6. References(116)
Unit 10 Enzyme Engineering 酶工程(117)
1. Brief Introduction(117)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(119)
3. New Words and Explanations(119)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(120)
5. Exercises(121)
6. References(122)
Unit 11 Molecular Biology 分子生物学(123)
1. Brief Introduction(123)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(130)
3. New Words and Explanations(131)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(132)
5. Exercises(133)
6. References(133)
Unit 12 Gene Engineering and Genetically Modified Foods 基因工程和转基因食品(134)
1. Brief Introduction(134)
2. Genetically Modified Foods(GMF)(141)
3. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(143)
4. New Words and Explanations(145)
5. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(146)
6. Exercises(146)
7. References(150)
Unit 13 Genomics 基因组学(152)
1. Brief Introduction(152)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(161)
3. New Words and Explanations(161)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(163)
5. Exercises(163)
6. References(165)
Unit 14 Bioinformatics 生物信息学(166)
1. Brief Introduction(166)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(168)
3. New Words and Explanations(171)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(171)
5. Exercises(174)
6. References(174)
Unit 15 Systems Biology 系统生物学(176)
1. Brief Introduction(176)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(182)
3. New Words and Explanations(184)
4. Analyses of Complex and Long Sentences(185)
5. Exercises(186)
6. References(187)
Unit 16 Ecology 生态学(189)
1. Brief Introduction(189)
2. English Passages Selected from Original English Articles(198)
3. New Words and Explanations(198)
4. Explanations of Complex and Long English Sentences(199)
5. Exercises(199)
6. References(202)
Chapter 2 Translation Techniques of English for Science and Technology 科技英语翻译技巧
Unit 17 Writing Rules of English Articles for Science and Technology and Examples 科技英语行文常规和实例(203)
Unit 18 General Idioms and Examples 习惯表达法和实例(211)
Unit 19 Translation Rules and Examples of English Articles for Science and Technology 科技英语的翻译原则和实例(214)
Chapter 3 Writing Techniques of English Articles for Science and Technology 专业科技论文写作技巧
Unit 20 English Articles for Science and Technology and Their Types 科技论文及其类型(221)
Unit 21 The Characteristics of English Articles for Science and Technology 科技论文的 特点(223)

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