  • ISBN:9787510005749
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:664
  • 出版时间:2010-04-01
  • 条形码:9787510005749 ; 978-7-5100-0574-9


★\"This accessible and conceptually structured introduction to quantum field theory will be of value not only to beginning students but also to practicing physicists interested in learning or reviewing specific topics. The book is organized in a modular fashion, which makes it easy to extract the basic information relevant to the reader's area(s) of interest. The material is presented in an intuitively clear and informal style. Foundational topics such as path integrals and Lorentz representations are included early in the exposition, as appropriate for a modern course; later material includes a detailed description of the Standard Model and other advanced topics such as instantons, supersymmetry, and unification, which are essential knowledge for working particle physicists, but which are not treated in most other field theory texts.\" ——Washington Taylor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★\"Over the years I have used parts of Srednicki's book to teach field theory to physics graduate students not specializing in particle physics. This is a vast subject, with many outstanding textbooks. Among these, Srednicki's stands out for its pedagogy. The subject is built logically, rather than historically. The exposition walks the line between getting the idea across and not shying away from a serious calculation. Path integrals enter early, and renormalization theory is pursued from the very start, with the excellent choice of φ3 in six dimensions as the training workhorse. By the end of the course the student should understand both beta functions and the Standard Model, and be able to carry through a calculation when a perturbative calculation is called for.\" ——Predrag Cvitanovic, Georgia Institute of Technology




(**部分)自旋为0情形:相对论量子力学尝试;洛仑兹不变性;标量场的正则量子化;自旋统计定理;LSZ约化公式;量子力学中的路径积分;调和谐振子的路径积分;自由场论中的路径积分;相互作用场论中的路径积分;散射振幅和费曼规则;截面和衰变率;?=c=1时的维数分析;严格传播子的Lehmann–K?llén形式;传播子的圈图修正;Lehmann–K?llén形式的单圈修正;顶角的圈图修正;另外的1PI顶角;高阶修正和可重整性;任意阶微扰论;单圈两粒子弹性散射;量子作用量;连续对称性和守恒流;离散对称性:P、T、C和Z;非阿贝尔对称性;不稳定粒子和共振;红外发散;另外的重整化方案;重整化群;有效场论;自发对称性破缺;对称破缺和圈图修正;连续对称性的自发破缺。(第二部分)自旋为1/2情形:洛仑兹群表示;左手和右手旋量场;旋量指标调控;旋量场的拉氏量;旋量场的正则量子化(I);旋量;旋量场的正则量子化(II);宇称,时间反演和荷共轭;自旋-1/2粒子的LSZ约化;自由费米传播子;费米场的路径积分;费米场路径积分的形式理论;狄拉克场的费曼规则;自旋求和;伽玛矩阵;自旋平均截面;Majorana场的费曼规则;无质量粒子和旋量螺旋性;Yukawa理论中的圈图修正;Yukawa理论中的Beta函数;函数行列式。(第三部分):自旋为1情形:Maxwell方程;库仑规范中的电动力学;光子的LSZ约化;光子的路径积分;旋量电动力学;旋量电动力学中的散射;旋量电动力学的螺旋性;标量电动力学;旋量电动力学的圈图修正;旋量电动力学的顶角函数;电子磁矩;标量电动力学的圈图修正;量子电动力学中的Beta函数;量子电动力学中的Ward等式(I);量子电动力学中的Ward等式(II);非阿贝尔规范场论;群表示;非阿贝尔规范场论的路径积分;非阿贝尔规范场论的费曼规则;非阿贝尔规范场论中的Beta函数;BRST对称性;手征规范理论和反常;整体对称性中的反常;费米子的反常和路径积分;背景场规范;Gervais–Neveu规范;N × N矩阵场的费曼规则;量子色动力学中的散射;Wilson圈,格点理论和禁闭;手征对称破缺;规范对称性的自发破缺;阿贝尔规范理论的自发破缺;非阿贝尔规范理论的自发破缺;标准模型:规范和Higgs;标准模型:轻子;标准模型:夸克;强子的电弱相互作用;中微子质量;孤子和磁单极;瞬子和theta真空;夸克和theta真空;超对称性;*小超对称性标准模型;大统一理论;参考文献;索引。 读者对象:理论物理、凝聚态物理和场论等专业的高年级本科生、研究生和相关专业的科研人员。


Mark Srednicki,美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校物理学教授。1977年在康奈尔大学获得学士学位,1980年在斯坦福大学获得博士学位。曾在普林斯顿大学和欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)做博士后。

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