

¥34.4 (7.6折) ?
1星价 ¥34.4
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  • ISBN:9787568928564
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:197页
  • 出版时间:2021-08-01
  • 条形码:9787568928564 ; 978-7-5689-2856-4


本书按主题编写, 内容涉及大学生活、旅行、知名大学、职业生涯、爱与友谊、体育活动、人体健康、家人、财务和道德等当下热点话题。每一单元包含两大部分。**部分为引入部分, 由听写 (Dictation) 、主题讨论 (Discussion) 和视频观看 (Video Watching) 构成。第二部分为听力实践部分。此部分包含各种听力技巧的详细讲解和大量的听力实践练习, 包括短对话 (Short Conversations) 、长对话 (Long Conversations) 、新闻报道 (News Reports) 和学术演讲 (Lectures) 。


Unit 1 Leading Universities
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Numbers
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 2 Vibrant Campus Life
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Directions
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 3 Breathtaking Journeys
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Places
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 4 Pure Love and Friendship
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Comparison and Contrast
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 5 Professional Careers
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Professions
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 6 Better Health
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Cause and Effect
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 7 Moral Virtues
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Implications and Inferences
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 8 Loving Families
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Attitude
Part Two Listening Practice

Unit 9 Different Financial Issues
Section A
Part One Lead in
Part Two Video Watching
Section B
Part One Listening Skills: Requests
Part Two Listening Practice


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