

1星价 ¥55.0 (5.5折)
2星价¥55.0 定价¥100.0
  • ISBN:9787511057587
  • 装帧:80g轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:168
  • 出版时间:2021-08-01
  • 条形码:9787511057587 ; 978-7-5110-5758-7


适读人群 :6-14岁在童话中找寻童真与美好




The Moon and the Cat on the Roof 01
Grandmother Rain and Her New Pipkin 03
Little Weird Loong and His Wish 07
The Little Girl with a Bad Memory 09
At the Corner 13
The Muttering Badger 15
The Secret-keeping Bunny 17
The Talking Straw Stacks 20
Your Sky and My Grassland 22
The Yard Full of Hanging Green Lanterns 25
Sharing 27
The Apples Running in the Grass 29
Sweet Bear-melon Apples 31
The Colorful Monster Fond of Running 34 The Singing Bed in Winter 36
Frog Belly and the Spring Thunder 39
The House of the Hen Can Bite 41
The Tree I Loved 43
The Fifth Balloon 45
Washing, Washing, Aunt Hippo 48
The Great Daddy 50
Wolf Rude and Kangaroo Mild 52
Friends That Cannot Help 54
The Pretty Carrot-shaped Backpack 58
Elder Mole Seven 60
The Story on the Tree 64
The Trampoline 67
Exchanging Fathers 70
Lion and His Rooster Prince 72
The Whirling Dancer 75 Rooster and the Sun 77
Intoxication 78
The Setting Sun and the Sea 81
The Nest 82 The Naughty Little Sea Fish 83
The Friends on the Tree Stump 85
The Little Elf Chanting Wrong Spells 86
Rabbit and His Five Friends 87
The Ticklish Fish 88
The Raindrops 90
Are You the Moon? 92
You Are Not a Bird, Little Bear 93
The Strange Umbrella 94
Brown Dog and White Dog 96
The Oriole Leaving His Mom for the First Time 98
The Cats Sitting on the Balcony Railing 99
The Crab Fond of Writing Poems 101
Turn Left, Turn Right 103
Good Morning, Friend 105
Little Hedgehog Carrying a Mop 107
The Wind Brothers 108
The Pitch-black Monster 110
The Letter from Little Koala 112
Mother Bess’ Three Eggs 113 Spider Black Bean 115
The Warm and Wonderful Blanket 117
The Sea on the Left Side of the Bed and the
Mountain on the Right Side 119
Little Lamb and His Schoolmaster Hippo 121
Tortoise Sitting on the Schoolbag 123
Fighting 125
Frog Fond of Singing 127
Kissing the Black Bear 129
The Happy Bamboo Basket 130
Two Boots of Hunter Old Wolf 132
The Boasting Mouse 134
Little Black Bear in the Circus Ring 136
The Whispering Apple and Moon 138
The Rhinoceros and His Friend 140
A Little Tail 141
The Big Forest of Lion 142
The Calf and the Dehorning Grass 144
Little Podge and Brown Bear 147
The King Wearing a Bedsheet 150


张秋生,著名儿童文学作家,诗人。中国作家协会会员。为少年儿童编写了四十年的报刊和书籍。他曾出版过童话集,诗集,散文集七十多种,代表作有《校园里的蔷薇花》《小巴掌童话百篇》《张秋生童话精选》《森林里的红鬼和蓝鬼》《傻瓜魔法师》等。张秋生的作品多次获奖,曾荣获新时期儿童文学奖、全国优秀儿童文学奖、宋庆龄儿童文学奖、陈伯吹儿童文学奖、冰心儿童文学新作奖、张天翼童话寓言奖等多种奖项。 Zhang Qiusheng was born in 1939. He has long been engaged in the editorial work of children’s newspapers and was the editor-in-chief of Teenagers Newspaper. He is now a member of China Writers Association and Shanghai Writers Association and the director of Children’s Literature Committee. His works have won the Prize of the China Writers Association for Excellent Children’s Literature, the Chen Bochui Prize for Children’s Literature, the Soong Ching-Ling Prize for Children’s Literature, etc.

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