

1星价 ¥216.6 (5.7折)
2星价¥216.6 定价¥380.0
  • ISBN:9787540367954
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:680
  • 出版时间:2022-08-01
  • 条形码:9787540367954 ; 978-7-5403-6795-4




本书牛顿(Newton,1642—1727)用拉丁语写成,于1687年、1718年、1726年出版了三个版本。莫特(Andrew Motte,1696—1734)于1729年翻译出版了本书的英文版,卡加里(Florian Cajori,1859—1930)对莫特的英译本进行了修订,1934年由加利福尼亚大学出版社出版,本次影印的是1946年的第2印次本。


PORTRAIT OF NEWTON IN THE PEPYSIAN COLLECTION EDITOR'S NOTE. By R. T. Crawlord TITLE PAGE OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THE Principia PRINCIPIA ODE BY EDMUND HALLEY. Translated by Leon I. Richardson PRFACES TO THE FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD EDITIONS DEFINITIONS AXIOMS,OR LAWS OF MOTION BOOK I. THE MOTION OF BODIES SECTION I. Method of first and last ratios II. Determination of centripetal forces III. Motion of bodies in eccentric conic sections IV. Determination of elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic orbits, from the locus given V. Determination of orbits when neither focus is given VI. Determination of motions in given orbits VII. Rectilinear ascent and descent of bodies . VIII. Determination of orbits in which bodies will revolve, being acted upon by any sort of centripetal lorce IX. Motion of bodies in movable orbits; and the motion of the apsides X. Motion of bodies in given surfaces; and the oscillating pendu-lous motion of bodies XI. Motion of bodies tending to each other with centripetal forces XII. Attractive forces of spherical bodies XIII. Attractive forces of bodies which are not spherical XIV. Motion of very small bodies when agitated by centripetal forces tending to the several parts of any very great body BOOK II. THE MOTION OF BODIES SECTION I. Motion of bodies that are resisted in the ratio of the velocity II. Motion of bodies that are resisted as the square of their velocitieJ III. Motion of bodies that are resisted partly in the ratio of the ve-locities, and partly as the square of the same ratio IV. Circular motion of bodies in resisting mediums V. Density and compression of fluids; hydrostatics VI. Motion and resistance of pendulous bodies VII. Motion of fluids, and the resistance made to.projected bodies VIII. Motion propagated through fluids IX. Circular motion of fluids BOOK III. THE SYSTEM OF THE WORLD RULES OF REASONING IN PHILOSOPHY PHENOMENA PROPOSITIONS MOTION OF THE MOON'S NODES GENERAL SCHOLIUM THE SYSTEM OF THE WORLD SYSTEM OF THE WORLD APPENDIX NOTES,HISTORICAL AND EXPLANATORY,PREPARED BY THE REVISER


牛顿(Isaac Newton,1642—1727),英国物理学家、天文学家和数学家。在物理学上,牛顿基于伽利略、开普勒等人的工作,建立了三条运动基本定律和万有引力定律,并建立了经典力学的理论体系。在数学上,牛顿创立了“牛顿二项式定理”,并和莱布尼兹几乎同时创立了微积分学。

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