

1星价 ¥45.4 (7.2折)
2星价¥45.4 定价¥63.0
  • ISBN:9787522608280
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:228
  • 出版时间:2022-07-01
  • 条形码:9787522608280 ; 978-7-5226-0828-0


本教材是“课、岗、赛、训”新型态一体化教材,在课程中对接岗位需求,对接飞机维修技能大赛的世赛和国赛,强化实训建设,实现教学做一体化。本教材由正文和综合实训工卡两部分组成。正文包括航空电子电气基础、飞机维修安全与规则、飞机布线实施、飞机结构、驾驶舱面板、飞机仪表系统、电子设备舱、导航系统、通信系统、电气系统、自动驾驶系统和灯光系统 12 个学习模块。结合企业实际岗位需求,本教材的综合实训工卡通过仿真化的学习情境来完成模块的学习。本教材可作为职业院校、应用型本科院校、成人高等院校飞机维修相关专业的教学用书,也可作为 CCAR-147 培训机构航空维修技术英语考试的培训参考教材和职业院校飞机维修技能世赛和国赛的参考用书。


Module 1 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning Scene A:Analog Electronics Scene B:Basic Analog Circuits Scene C:Digital Electronics Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Part Ⅳ Integrated Practice Module 2 Safety and Regulations Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning Scene A:Safety in Workshop Scene B:Maintenance-Related Regulations Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Part Ⅳ Integrated Practice Module 3 Wiring Practice and Manual Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning Scene A:Wiring Practice Scene B:Wiring Diagram Manual Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Part Ⅳ Integrated Practice Module 4 Aircraft Structure Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning Scene A:Aircraft Structure Scene B:Aircraft Control Surfaces Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Part Ⅳ Integrated Practice Module 5 Panels in the Flight Compartment Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning Scene A:Panels in the Flight Compartment Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Part Ⅳ Integrated Practice Module 6 Aircraft Instrument Systems Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning Scene A:Aircraft Instrument Systems Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Part Ⅳ Integrated Practice Module 7 Electronic Equipment Compartment Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning Scene A:Electronic Equipment Compartment Scene B:LRU in EE Compartment Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing Part Ⅳ Integrated Practice Module 8 Navigation System Part Ⅰ Reading for Learning

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