

1星价 ¥170.0 (8.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787518347919
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:537页
  • 出版时间:2021-08-01
  • 条形码:9787518347919 ; 978-7-5183-4791-9


本书汇编了中国石油集团石油管工程技术研究院、石油管材及装备材料服役行为与结构安全国家重点实验室、中国石油集团石油管工程重点实验室和陕西省石油管材及装备材料服役行为与结构安全重点实验室在2020年正式发表在国际国内刊物上的论文和2020年授权专利及省部级以上获奖成果, 反映了近几年石油管工程的科研成果及进展。


**篇 论文篇 一、输送管与管线安全评价 输送管产品开发与工程应用技术支撑体系 中国X80管线钢和钢管研发应用进展及展望 大应变管线钢和钢管的关键技术进展及展望 3 16L衬里复合管道主要失效形式及其完整性检测技术研究 Constitutive Equation for Describing True Stress-Strain Curves over a Large Range of Strains A Review of Dynamic Muhiaxial Experimental Techniques Fatigue Failure Analysis of Dented Pipeline and Simulation Calculation Failure Analysis on Tee Pipe of Duplex Stainless in an Oilfield Cracking Analysis of a Newly Built Gas Transmission Steel Pipe Microstructure and Impact Toughness of X70-L245 Butt Girth Weld in Natural Gas Station Dynamic Impact Damage of Oil and Gas Pipelines X70管道自保护药芯焊丝环焊接头力学性能及影响因素 埋地管道泄漏数值模拟分析 二、油井管与管柱失效预防 复杂工况油套管柱失效控制与完整性技术研究进展及展望 复杂压裂页岩气井套管变形机制及控制方法 Investigation on Impact Absorbed Energy Index of Drill Pipe Aging Treatment Effect on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-5A1-3V-1.5 Mo-2Zr Titanium Alloy Drill Pipe Tribological Properties of Ni/Cu/Ni Coating on the Ti-6Al-4V Alloy after Annealing at Various Temperatures Application Analysis of Epoxy-Coated Tubing in an Oilfield Failure Analysis of Casing Dropping in Shale Oil Well during Large Scale Volume Fracturing Numerical Analysis of Casing Deformation under Cluster Well Spatial Fracturing Fracture Failure Analysis of C110 Oil Tube in a Western Oil Field 石油管用Ti-6A1-4V-0.1Ru钛合金高温流变行为及预测模型研究 油气开采用钛合金石油管材料耐腐蚀性能研究 钛合金油套管抗挤毁性能计算与实验 三、腐蚀防护与非金属材料 Facile Fabrication of Sn02 Modified Ti02 Nanorods Film for Efficient Photocathodic Protection of 304 Stainless Steel under Simulated Solar Light Effect of C02/H2S and Applied Stress on Corrosion Behavior of 15Cr Tubing in Oil Field Environment Corrosion Behavior of Cr-Bearing Steels in C02-02-H20 Multi-Thermal-Fluid Environment Corrosion Behavior of Reduced-Graphene-Oxide-Modified Epoxy Coatings on N80 Steel in 10.0 wt%NaCl Solution Experimental and Simulation Investigation on Failure Mechanism of a Polyethylene Elbow Liner Used in an Oilfield Environment Failure Analysis on the Oxygen Corrosion of the Perforated Screens Used in a Gas Injection Huff and Puff Well Investigation on Leakage Cause of Oil Pipeline in the West Oilfield of China Comparative Study on Hydrogen Embritdement Susceptibility in Heat-Affected Zone of TP321 Stainless Steel External Stress Corrosion Cracking Risk Factors of High Grade Pipeline Steel Analysis of Corrosion Behavior on External Surface of 11OS Tubing Failure Analysis and Solution to Bimetallic Lined Pipe 外加电位对X80管线钢在轮南土壤模拟溶液中应力腐蚀行为的影响 页岩气输送用转角弯头内腐蚀减薄原因分析 16Mn管线钢的焊缝表面冲蚀机理研究 酸洗钝化对316L/IAl5双金属机械复合管环焊缝耐蚀性的影响 干湿交替砂土环境下X80管线钢的腐蚀行为研究 一种乙烯裂解炉管高温损伤评估的新方法 炼化企业常压塔顶露点温度计算及缓蚀剂性能研究 连续纤维复合材料环形试样蠕变行为研究 非金属智能连续管拉伸层力学特性研究 四、其他 A Strain Rate Dependent Fracture Model of 7050 Aluminum Alloy Effects of Pre-Oxidation on the Corrosion Behavior of Pure Ti under Coexistence of Solid NaCl Deposit and Humid Oxygen at 600℃: the Diffusion of Chlorine Failure Analysis of Crankshaft of Fracturing Pump Failure Analysis of a Sucker Rod Fracture in an Oilfield Stress Analysis of Large Crude Oil Storage Tank Subjected to Harmonic Settlement Study on Remaining Oil Distribution of Single Sand Body in Yan 10 Reservoir in Zhenbei Area,Ordos Basin 第二篇 成果篇 一、省部级科技奖励 1.OD1422mm X80管线钢管研制及应用技术 2.复杂工况油气井管柱腐蚀控制技术及工程应用 3.西部油气田集输管线内腐蚀控制技术及工程应用 4.石油工业用高性能膨胀管及其性能评价技术 二、授权专利目录

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