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  • ISBN:9787308226806
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:268页
  • 出版时间:2022-07-01
  • 条形码:9787308226806 ; 978-7-308-22680-6


当前, 合作和竞争格局正在发生深刻变化,积极参与 组织并在其中发挥 大的作用,是中国 范围、深层次地参与 治理和新秩序构建的重要渠道。在当前 外形势下, 化人才培养工作的重要性和紧迫性日益凸显。


本书以项目为导向,在宏观层面上,分为三大编,分别为:了解国际组织,国际组织各类文件的阅读,国际组织各类文件的写作。在每一编下,选取国际组织相关的全英文一手资料,围绕联合国提出的17个可持续发展目标中具有代表性的四个:粮食和农业,气候变化,教育,裁军和维和,微观地展开各个章节,全方位、立体化地进行编写。研究基于项目式学习(Project-Based Learning)的教学理念,遵循互动式、体验式、交互式、探究式和合作式的教学方法和学习方法。


PART ONE Understanding International Organizations Chapter I A Brief Introduction to Global Governance 1.1 Definitions 1.2 History 1.3 Regimes 1.4 Future Challenges Chapter 2 International Organizations: Definition, Classifications Powers 2.1 Definition 2.2 Classifications 2.3 Powers of International Organizations PART TWO Reading for International Organizations Chapter 3 Constituent Instruments 3.1 Forms of Constituent Instruments 3.2 Contents of Constituent Instruments Chapter 4 Legal Instruments of IOs 4.1 Klabbers Categorization of Legal Instruments of IOs 4.2 Another Categorization of Acts of IOs Chapter 5 Treaties and MOUs 5.1 Treaties and MOUs Terminology 5.2 Structure of Treaties Chapter 6 Judicial Documents 6.1 International Court of Justice 6.2 Permanent Court of Arbitration 6.3 Court of Justice of the European Union 6.4 European Court of Human Rights 6.5 African Court of Human and Peoples Rights 6.6 Inter-American Court of Human Rights 6.7 International Criminal Court 6.8 International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea 6.9 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes(ICSID) 6.10 Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Chapter 7 Writings of Scholars Chapter 8 Official Statements PART THREE Writing for International Organizations Chapter 9 Text Production of General Correspondence 9.1 Guidelines for Specific Types of Correspondence 9.2 English Writing Style 9.3 Gender-Inclusive Language Chapter 10 Text Production of CV and Cover Letter 10.1 CV 10.2 Cover Letter Chapter 11 Text Production of Reports 11.1 Reader and Purpose 11.2 Pre-Writing Techniques 11.3 Standard Report Format 11.4 Sentence and Paragraph Development 11.5 Clarity in Writing 11.6 Writing a Summary 11.7 Drafting Conclusions and Recommendations 11.8 Some Last Tips Chapter 12 Text Production of Project Documents 12.1 Formulating Programs 12.2 Designing Development Projects Chapter 13 Writing for International Organizations in Brief 13.1 Before Writing 13.2 During Writing 13.3 After Writing Chapter 14 Final Remarks Bibliography Further Reading


Dr. Xu Xueying (徐雪英), Associate Professorand Tang Lixin Teaching Master of ZhejiangUniversity, as well as Sino-US Fulbright SeniorResearcher, is currently Deputy Director to theInstitute of Translation Studies, Deputy Directorto the "Global Engagement Program" and Headof the Development Planning Department of theSecretariat of"Global Competency Program" of Zhejiang University. Hermain research covers translation studies, cross-cultural communication andcultivation of global competency. She has undertaken over 10 provincialand national projects and published over 20 papers, monographs andtranslation works.

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