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  • ISBN:9787569057607
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:200
  • 出版时间:2022-12-01
  • 条形码:9787569057607 ; 978-7-5690-5760-7




Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Issues 1.2 Research object and scope l.2.1 Liangci and classifier l.2.2 Ge and the general classifier ge 1.2.3 Ge as a quantificational marker l.2.4 Scope of our discussion 1 3 Research purpose 1 4 Research methods 1.4.1 Literature research method 1.4.2 Traditional grammar analysis method 1.4.3 Comparative research method 1.4.4 Statistical investigation method 1 5 Major viewpoints 1.6 Data sources 1.7 Organization of this book Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 The historical development and evolution of ge 2.2 The overuse of ge 2.3 Semantic analysis of ge 2.4 The property of ge 2.4.1 Early studies 2.4.2 Recent studies 2.5 Concluding remarks Chapter Three Ge as a Quantificational Marker 3.1 Three fundamental notions, classifier, quantifier and quantificational marker 3.1.1 The notion of classifier 3.1.2 The notion of quantifier 3.1.3 The notion of quantificational marker 3.2 Theoretical background 3.2.1 Generalized quantifier theory 3.2.2 Counting and measuring theory 3.2.3 Event Semantics Theory 3.3 The generality of ge 3.3.1 Ge and other classifiers 3.3.2 Nominal and verbal quantification of C,e 3.4 A universal theory of ge as a quantificational marker Chapter Four A Corpus Study of the Developing Usage of Ge from 1957 to 2017 4.1 Introduction to corpus data 4.2 Ge in exact reading 4.2.1 Statistics of pre-ge constituents 4.2.2 Statistics of post-ge constituents 4.2.3 Summary of ge in exact reading 4.3 Go in at-least reading 4.3.1 Statistics of ' shi + (yi) + ge 4.3.2 Statistics of'you+ (yi) + ge 4.3.3 Statistics of ' stative verb + ge 4.3.4 Statistics of ' ge + liheci 4.3.5 Summary 4.4 Corpus-based conclusions


粟向军, 1976年4月生,苗族,贵州遵义人,中共党员,博士,副教授,现任遵义医科大学国际教育学院副院长。1997年参加工作,长期从事外语教学、科研及管理。2000年加入中国共产党,曾荣获“贵州省直属高校优秀共产党员”荣誉称号。2018年博士毕业于北京语言大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业。曾公开发表论文20篇,出版译著1部,参编国家级教材2部。先后留学美日等地高校。主要研究方向:语言学、外语教学、翻译学及对外文化传播。

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