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1星价 ¥54.8 (8.3折)
2星价¥54.8 定价¥66.0
  • ISBN:9787030738714
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:216
  • 出版时间:2023-03-01
  • 条形码:9787030738714 ; 978-7-03-073871-4






1. Stress and Strain 1
1.1 Internal loadings 1
1.2 Average normal stress in an axially loaded bar 3
1.3 Average shear stress in connections 5
1.4 Normal strain and shear strain 9
2. Mechanical Properties of Materials 11
3. Axial Load 15
3.1 Elastic deformation of an axially loaded member 15
3.2 Displacement calculation 16
3.3 Statically indeterminate axially loaded members 21
3.4 Strain energy in an axially loaded member 39
4. Torsion 42
4.1 Torsional stress 42
4.2 Torsional deformation 44
4.3 Statically indeterminate torque-loaded members 45
4.4 Strain energy in a torque-loaded member 48
5. Internal Loadings in Bending 50
5.1 Shear and moment functions 50
5.2 Shear and moment diagrams 53
6. Bending Stresses 62
6.1 Normal stress in bending 62
6.2 Shear stress in bending 66
6.3 Bending strength 76
6.4 Unsymmetric bending 79
6.5 Composite beams 87
6.6 Curved beams 95
6.7 Inelastic deformation and residual stress 99
7. Combined Loadings 109
7.1 Thin-walled vessels 109
7.2 Eccentric tension and compression 110
7.3 State of stress caused by combined loadings 113
8. Stress and Strain Transformation 121
8.1 Plane-stress transformation 121
8.2 Absolute maximum shear stress 129
8.3 Material-property relationships 131
8.4 Theories of failures 144
9. Deflection of Beams 150
9.1 The elastic curve 150
9.2 Slope and displacement by integration 154
9.3 Method of superposition 157
9.4 Statically indeterminate beams 163
9.5 Stain energy of beams 166
10. Buckling of Columns 170
10.1 Critical loads of columns 170
10.2 Buckling of statically indeterminate structures 177
10.3 Design of columns 179
11. Energy Method 186
11.1 Strain energy and work 186
11.2 Displacement calculation by energy method 187
11.3 Energy method applied to statically indeterminate problems 192
11.4 Impact loadings 193
Appendix Geometric Properties of an Area 202
A.1 Centroid of an area 202
A.2 Moment of inertia and product of inertia for an area 203
A.3 Principal moment of inertia 206


1.Stress and Strain 1.1 Internal loadings 1-1 The curved rods of radius R lie in (a)the horizontal plane xy and (b)the vertical plane yz, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-1. Determine the resultant internal loadings acting on any cross section θ for the given loads, dimension and angle. SOLUTION (a)Shear force,Torque,Bending moment . (b)Normal force,Shear force , Bending moment . 1-2 Members AB and BC are pin-supported at A and C and jointed at B, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-2. Determine the resultant internal loadings acting on the section through point D on member AB. SOLUTION Member BC is a two-force member. Its two perpendicular components are FBCx and FBCy. The internal loadings on section D:. 1-3 Member BC is supported by member AB, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-3. If F=30kN, determine the resultant internal loadings acting on the section at the fixed end A. SOLUTION The support reactions: RC=F/3, RB=2F/3. The internal loadings on section A: FN= 2F/3=20kN, V=0, M=2F/3×2m=40kNm. 1-4 Determine resultant internal loadings acting on section a-a and vertical section b-b, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-4. Each section passes through the centerline at point C. SOLUTION The support reactions: The internal loadings on section a-a: The internal loadings on section b-b: 1-5 Determine the resultant internal loadings in the beam on sections through points C and D, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-5. Point D is located to the left of the load 10kN. SOLUTION The support reactions: From the right segment of the beam sectioned through C, the internal loadings on section C: From the right segment of the beam sectioned through D, the internal loadings on section D: Prob. 1-6 1-6 The rod AB of mass m rotates about the vertical axis with angular velocity,as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-6. If the rod has sectional area S and length l, write the expression for the axial force FN(x)during rotation. SOLUTION The inertial force of the rod during rotation: Based on the method of the section, the axial force expression is 1.2 Average normal stress in an axially loaded bar 1-7 A long retaining wall AD is supported by concrete thrust blocks and braced by wood shores set BC at a 30 angle. The simplified analysis model is depicted in the figure of Prob. 1-7, where the base of the wall and both ends of the shore are assumed to be pinned, and the pressure of the soil against the wall is assumed to be triangularly distributed with a maximum intensity of 80kN/m. For the given cross section of the shore 100mm×100mm, determine the compressive stress in the shore. SOLUTION The internal loading: Resultant force acting on AD, F=1/2×(80kN/m×4.5m)=180kN. The average normal stress: 1-8 A container of weight G=500N is suspended by a system of steel wire as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-8. The side length of the container is a=400mm, and the maximum permissible load for the wire is 290N. Examine if the wire is safe to carry the weight when it is 1.7m long. If angle α is adjustable, determine the minimum length of the wire for safely carrying the weight. SOLUTION The internal loading in the wire: The wire is unsafe to carry the weight when it is 1.7m long. The maximum loading in the wire: Fu= 290N. The minimum length of the wire for safely carrying the weight is 2m. 1-9 The rigid beam BC has a length L and is suspended by two rods BD and CE with an equal cross-sectional area A, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-9. If the allowable stresses of two rods are [?1] and [?2], where [?1]=2[?2], determine the distance x and the maximum load F that the structure can support when the load F moves from B to C. SOLUTION The internal maximum loadings of rod 1 and rod 2:. At the critical state, the following equation of equilibrium can be established: The maximum load F that the structure can support is 1-10 If the maximum average normal stress in any bar does not exceed [?]=125MPa, determine the cross-sectional area of the truss members AB and CD to support the external load F=150kN, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-10. SOLUTION The reaction at support D: From joint D, the internal loadings of members BD and CD can be determined. Member CB is a zero-force member. From the equations of equilibrium at joint B, we have Cross-sectional areas of members AB and CD: 1.3 Average shear stress in connections 1-11 Two plates are fastened by four 19mm diameter rivets, as shown in the figure of Prob. 1-11. Determine the largest load F that can be applied to the plates if the maximum shear and bearing stresses in each rivet do not exceed the allowable shear stress a, and the maximum tensile stress in each plate does not exceed the allowable tensile stress. (Unit: mm) SOLUTION To

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