

1星价 ¥53.9 (5.5折)
2星价¥53.9 定价¥98.0
  • ISBN:9787511153562
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:259
  • 出版时间:2023-03-01
  • 条形码:9787511153562 ; 978-7-5111-5356-2


  This book is a series of review reports produced under the Chinese-Norwegian Project on Emission, Impact, and Control Policy for Black Carbon and its Co-benefits in Northern China (ChiNorBC). The project is jointly implemented by the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES) and the Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA), in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning (CAEP), the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), with financial support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  There is no internationally agreed definition of black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC). BC is the light-absorbing component of fine particles and is produced by incomplete combustion of fossil fuel, biofuel and biomass. BC is always co-emitted with OC. Emissions of BC and OC affects the climate and have adverse health effects. Reductions of BC and OC will have co-benefits for climate, air quality and health.  ChiNorBC will develop improved emission inventories for BC/OC emissions in China using the most recent, best available national statistics and measurements obtained in the project. Based on this, new estimates of effects of BC/OC on climate, air quality, and health will be provided. The project will further raise scientific, governmental, and public awareness and enhance the understanding of the positive impacts of BC/OC emissions reductions. Ultimately the ChiNorBC will provide Chinese policy makers with policy solutions for reducing BC/OC emissions in China which maximizes the co-benefits.


1 Introduction
1.1 What is BC and OC?
1.2 Why Concern: What are the effects on health, air quality and climate of BC/OC?
1.3 The Overview of the ChiNorBC-Project

2 Review on BC/OC Emission Inventories
2.1 BC/OC Emission Inventories
2.1.1 Approaches to Establishing Air Pollutant Emission Inventories
2.1.2 Global emissions
2.1.3 Regional Emissions
2.1.4 China Emissions
2.1.5 Mobile Sources
2.1.6 Residential Sector
2.2 BC/OC Emission Factors in Key Sectors
2.2.1 Household Coal
2.2.2 Mobile Sources
2.3 Activity Data for Key Sectors and Other Sectors
2.3.1 Household Coal
2.3.2 Mobile Sources

3 Impact Assessment of BC/OC on Air Quality and Climate Change
3.1 BC/OC Research Status and Knowledge in Climate Impact
3.2 BC/OC Pollution Status in Concerned Regions in China
3.3 Impact Evaluation Methodology
3.3.1 BC/OC Impact Evaluation in the Project
3.3.2 Evaluation Methods
3.4 Regional Air Quality Simulation Over Northern China
3.4.1 Summary of Regional Air Quality Simulation Research Activities
3.4.2 Model Evaluation and the Common Problems
3.4.3 Status of BC/OC Simulation

4 Human Health Effect of BC in Air Pollution
4.1 Health Effects in Epidemiological Studies
4.1.1 Systematic Analysis
4.1.2 Short-term Health Effects
4.1.3 Long-term Health Effects
4.2 Experimental Studies
4.2.1 The Formation of BC and Toxicity
4.2.2 Animal Experiments
4.2.3 Human Clinical Studies
4.3 Good Practice Statement About Carbonaceous Aerosol in WHO AQGs

5 Review of China's Status on BC/OC Control
6 Review of Norway's Status on BC/OC Control
7 How to Reduce BC/OC Emission in China in the Future


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