  • ISBN:9787548752936
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:104页
  • 出版时间:2023-03-01
  • 条形码:9787548752936 ; 978-7-5487-5293-6




Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Big data technology 1.2 A brief introduction of transportation big data 1.3 Challenges in the transportation big data analysis 1.4 The applications of transportation big data 1.5 Brief introduction of the following chapters Chapter 2 Data structures and properties of transportation big data 2.1 Geographic information data 2.2 Vehicle GPS data 2.3 Smart card data 2.4 Vehicle identification data 2.5 Mobile phone data Chapter 3 Transportation big data preprocessing 3.1 Basic steps of data preprocessing 3.2 Data preprocessing of geographic information data 3.3 Data preprocessing of vehicle GPS data 3.4 Data preprocessing of smart card data 3.5 Data preprocessing of license plate recognition data 3.6 Data preprocessing of mobile phone data for transportation 4.1 A method for generating transportation networks 4.2 Fundamental network analysis tools 4.3 Network modeling and analysis for individual mobility 4.4 Network modeling and analysis of collective mobility 4.5 Network percolation analysis Chapter 5 Multi-source trans~rtation big data fusion and analysis 5.1 Characteristics of different transportation big data 5.2 Insights for developing transportation big data fusion approaches 5.3 Data fusion of multi-source vehicle GPS data 5.4 Data fusion of LPR data and taxi GPS data 5.5 Data fusion of MS data, subway smart card data and taxi GPS data Chapter 6 Applications tran~ortation big data 6.1 Application of CDR data in estimating travel demand 6.2 Application of CDR data in identifying vehicle sources 6.3 Applications of transportation big data in deploying congestion mitigation strategies 6.4 Application of transportation big data in anticipating large crowd gatherings 6.5 Application of open-source data in predicting subway passenger flow References

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