- ISBN:9787566922045
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:214
- 出版时间:2023-04-01
- 条形码:9787566922045 ; 978-7-5669-2204-5
目??录Lesson 1 Introduction of Textiles (纺织品概述) / 1Lesson 2 History of Textile Industry (纺织业的历史) / 2Lesson 3 The Early Textile History in China (中国早期的纺织史) / 4Lesson 4 Textile Fibers and Their Properties (纺织纤维与性质) / 6Lesson 5 The Kinds and Function of Textile Fibers (纺织纤维的种类与作用) / 8Lesson 6 External Structure or Morphology of Fibers (纤维的外部结构与形态) / 9Lesson 7 The Chemical Composition of Fibers (纤维的化学成分) / 11Lesson 8 Fiber Identification (纤维的鉴别) / 13Lesson 9 Fiber Properties Related to Low Absorbency (吸收性低的纤维特性) / 15Lesson 10 The Properties of Different Fibers (不同纤维的特性) / 17Lesson 11 Fiber-Burning Identification (纤维燃点鉴别) / 18Lesson 12 The Protein Fiber: Silk and Wool (蛋白质纤维:蚕丝与羊毛) / 21Lesson 13 The Distinctive Parts of Wool Fiber (毛纤维的特别之处) / 22Lesson 14 The Properties of Some Woolen Fabrics (某些毛织物的性质) / 24Lesson 15 Wool Fibers from Sheep,Goat,Rabbit & Camel (来自绵羊、山羊、兔子、骆驼的毛纤维) / 26Lesson 16 China and The Silk Culture (丝绸文化与中国) / 27Lesson 17 The Kinds of Natural Cellulose Fibers (天然纤维素纤维的种类) / 29Lesson 18 Physical Structure of Cotton (棉的物理性质) / 30Lesson 19 Cotton Cloth and Cotton Fabrics (棉布与棉织物) / 32Lesson 20 Flax,Ramie,Hemp,Jute (亚麻,苎麻,,黄麻) / 34Lesson 21 Introduction to Man-Made Fibers (化学纤维概述) / 36Lesson 22 The Generic Names of Man-Made Fibers (化学纤维的属名) / 38Lesson 23 The Trade Name of Man-Made Fibers (化学纤维的商用名) / 41Lesson 24 The Affected Factors in Fiber Spinning (影响纤维纺纱的若干因素) / 42Lesson 25 The Origin and Development of Rayon (人造纤维的起源与发展) / 44Lesson 26 The Physical Structure and Production of Viscose (黏胶纤维的物理结构与生产) / 46Lesson 27 A Comparison of Acetate and Rayon (醋酯纤维与人造丝的比较) / 47Lesson 28 The Properties of Common Synthetic Fibers (合成纤维的一般性质) / 49Lesson 29 The First Synthetic Fiber — Nylon (**种合成纤维——尼龙) / 51Lesson 30 The Polyester Fibers and The Fabrics (聚酯纤维与其织物) / 53Lesson 31 Split-Fiber Olefine (裂膜烯烃类纤维) / 55Lesson 32 Acrylic Fibers and Their Fabrics (聚丙烯腈纤维与织物) / 57Lesson 33 Aramid: Glass and Metallic Fibers (芳族纤维:玻璃纤维与金属纤维) / 58Lesson 34 The Elastic Fiber and Spandex (弹性纤维与聚氨基纤维) / 61Lesson 35 The Parent Fiber and The Modified Fibers (原生纤维与改性纤维) / 62Lesson 36 Modifications in Spinning Procedures (纺纱中的纤维改性) / 64Lesson 37 The Bi-Component Fibers and Yarns (双组分纤维与纱线) / 66Lesson 38 Additives to the Polymeric Fibers (高分子纤维添加剂) / 68Lesson 39 Third Generation Fiber Types (第三代纤维种类) / 70Lesson 40 Other Textile Fibers (其他纺织纤维) / 73Lesson 41 The Requirements for Carpet Fibers (地毯纤维的要求) / 75Lesson 42 Filament Yarns (长丝纱) / 76Lesson 43 The Process of Making Smooth Filament Yarns (滑爽长丝纱的制作过程) / 78Lesson 44 Spun Yarns ( 细纱) / 80Lesson 45 The Process of Staple Fiber Spinning (切断纤维的纺纱过程) / 82Lesson 46 Core Spun Yarns (包芯纱) / 84Lesson 47 The Bulk Textured Yarns (膨体变形纱) / 85Lesson 48 Comparison of Carded and Combed Yarns (粗梳纱与精梳纱的比较) / 87Lesson 49 Spinning Filament Tow into Spun Yarns (长丝束纺细纤纱) / 89Lesson 50 Yarn Types and Comparison (纱线的类别与比较) / 91Lesson 51 The Other Types of Yarns (其他类型的纱线) / 93Lesson 52 Yarn Type Number and Size (纱线类型号数与粗细) / 94Lesson 53 The Amount of Twist on Yarns (纱线上的捻度量) / 96Lesson 54 The Typical Novelty Yarns (独特的花式纱线) / 98Lesson 55 Blends (混纺纱) / 100Lesson 56 The Reasons for Fiber Blending (纤维混纺的理由) / 102Lesson 57 Introduction to Fabric Construction (织物结构概述) / 103Lesson 58 Fabric Construction from Multiform Substances (从多种物质形式制成的织物) / 107Lesson 59 Weaving and the Loom (织造与织机) / 109Lesson 60 The Basic Procedures of the Conventional Loom (传统织机的基本工作程序) / 111Lesson 61 Shuttleless Looms (无梭织机) / 113Lesson 62 The Tri-axial Waving Machine (三相织机) / 115Lesson 63 Characteristics of Woven Fabrics (梭织物的特点) / 117Lesson 64 The Recognizing of Warps and Fillings (经纱和纬纱的辨别) / 119Lesson 65 The Plain Wave and Plain Fabrics (平纹和平纹织物) / 121Lesson 66 The Unbalanced Plain Weave and the Fabrics (不均衡的平纹织物) / 123Lesson 67 Twill Weave Fabrics (斜纹织物) / 125Lesson 68 Satin Weave Fabrics (缎纹织物) / 126Lesson 69 Crepe Weave and True Weave (皱纹及其稳定性皱纹) / 128Lesson 70 The True Weave with Crepe Effects (具有皱纹效果的织物) / 130Lesson 71 An Introduction to Knitting and Warp Knitting (编织与经编介绍) / 132Lesson 72 Weft Knitting Structures and Fabrics (纬编结构与织物) / 134Lesson 73 Hosiery (针织袜类) / 136Lesson 74 A Story about Hosiery (有关制袜业的故事) / 138Lesson 75 A Comparison of Pile Fabrics (长毛绒织物的比较) / 139Lesson 76 Figured Fabrics and Pique (提花织物与凹凸织物) / 141Lesson 77 A Brief Description of Pique (凹凸织物简述) / 143Lesson 78 Double Cloth and Multicomponent Fabrics (双层织物与多组分织物) / 145Lesson 79 The Bonded Fabrics and Their Backings (黏合物与衬底) / 147Lesson 80 Lace, Leno Weave and Narrow Fabrics (花边,纱罗织物与狭幅织物) / 149Lesson 81 The Briefing of Lace (蕾丝(花边)简介) / 151Lesson 82 The Types of Non-Woven Fabrics (无纺布的类型) / 153Lesson 83 The Fusible Non-Woven Fabrics (熔融无纺织物) / 155Lesson 84 Felt (毛毡) / 157Lesson 85 Films,Coatings and Foam (薄膜,镀膜与泡沫) / 158Lesson 86 The General Finishes for Fabrics (织物的一般性整理) / 160Lesson 87 The Finish and The Care of the Napped Fabrics (绒毛织物的整理与维护) / 162Lesson 88 Stabilization Finishes of Fabrics (织物的稳定性整理) / 164Lesson 89 The Theory of Wrinkle Recovery (皱褶恢复的原理) / 166Lesson 90 Soil and Stain Release Finishes ( 污渍去除整理) / 167Lesson 91 Other Finishes (其他整理) / 169Lesson 92 The Flame-Retardant Finishes for Fabric (织物的阻燃整理) / 171Lesson 93 Dyeing and Printing (染色与印花) / 173Lesson 94 The Dyeing of Fibers and Fabrics (纤维和织物的染色) / 175Lesson 95 Some Color Problems on Fabrics (织物中的某些颜色问题) / 177Lesson 96 Selections and Influences on Textiles (纺织品的选择及其影响) / 179Lesson 97 Care of Textile Products (纺织品的维护与保养) / 181Lesson 98 The Garments from Leather and Furs (皮革与裘皮服装) / 184Lesson 99 Consumer Care Guide for Apparel (顾客服装护理指南) / 186Lesson 100 The Care for Apparel and The Laws (服装的维护与法规) / 188词汇表 / 191
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