  • ISBN:9787114185670
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:411
  • 出版时间:2023-02-01
  • 条形码:9787114185670 ; 978-7-114-18567-0




**篇基础理论篇 **章海洋经济与航运发展(Marine Economy and Shipping Development) **节海洋经济发展概述(An Overview of Marine Economy Development) /2节航运发展概述(An Overview of International Shipping Development 第三节海洋经济、航运发展与海事管理(Marine Economy,Shipping Development and Maritime Management) 章海事管理机构和组织(International Maritime Administrative Institutions and Organizations' -H( International Maritime Organization) 节相关组织和机构(Relevant International Organizations and Institutions 第三节海事相关公约及文书(Maritime Related International Conventions and Instruments) 第四节部分国家海事管理机构概述(An Overview of Some Foreign Maritime Administrative Institutions) 第五节海事领域合作(International Maritime Cooperation) 第三章中国海事管理概要(An Introduction toMaritime Management in China) 节海事管理概述(An Overview of Maritime Management) 节中国海事管理的历史沿革(History of Maritime Management in China) 第三节海事管理与机制(Maritime Management System and Mechanism) 第四节海事管理机构的职责履行(Duty Performance of Maritime Safety Administration) 第五节海事管理法律体系(Legal System of Maritime Management) 第四章海事管理基础理论(Basic Theories of Maritime Management 节海事海权理论(Theory of Sea Rights and Interests in the Maritime Domain) 节海上交通(Legal Theory of Maritime Traffic Safety) /100 第三节管理系统理论(Management System Theory) 第四节管理理论(Safety Management Theory) 篇 海事业务篇 第五章船舶管理(Ship Management) 节船舶管理概述(An Overview of Ship Management) 节 船舶登记(Ship Registration) 第三节船舶检验(Ship Survey) 第四节船舶低配员管理(Management of Ship Minimum Safe Manning, 第五节航运公司管理(Shipping Company Management) 第六节船舶进出港管理(Management of Ships' Port Entry and Leave)/ 第七节船舶保安管理(Ship Security Management 第八节船舶监督(Ship Safety Inspection and Supervision) 第六章船员适任管理(Management of Seafarers' Competency) 节船员适任管理概述(An Overview of Seafarers' Competency Management) 节船员职业能力构成(Specification of Seafarers' Ability) 第三节船员适任教育与培训(Seafarers' Competency Education and Training) 第四节船员履职实践与职业成长(Seafarers' Duty Performance Practice andCareer Growth) …… 第八节海事行政检查与行政调查(Maritime Administrative Inspection and Investigation) 第九节信息公开(Disclosure of Government Information) 第十节重大行政决策(Major Administrative Decision-m) 第十三章通用能力与综合管理(General Competence and Management) 节通用能力概述(An Overview of General Competences) 节公文写作与处理(Official Document Writing and Processing) 第三节会议组织与活动策划(Conference Organizing and Activity Planning, 第四节人力资源管理(Human Resource Management) 第五节信息化管理(Informatization Management) 第四篇 文化与发展篇 第十四章海事文化(Maritime Culture) 节海事文化的形成与内涵(Formation and Connotation of Maritime Culture) 节海事文化的特征(Characteristics of Maritime Culture) 第三节海事文化能(Functions of Maritime Culture' 第十五章海事管理发展展望(Prospect of Maritime Management Development) 节新时代对海事管理的要求(Requirements for Maritime Management in the New Era) 节新技术赋能海事发展(Enablement of New Technologies for Maritime Development) 第三节新理论推动海事学科专业发展(Promotion of New Theory to ProfessionalDevelopment of Maritime Discipline 参考文献

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