演绎理论物理学的原理 ——一种基于量子力学波函数的逐次置信估计的一般理论的提议(

包邮演绎理论物理学的原理 ——一种基于量子力学波函数的逐次置信估计的一般理论的提议(

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  • ISBN:9787560399447
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:292
  • 出版时间:2022-05-01
  • 条形码:9787560399447 ; 978-7-5603-9944-7




Preface to the 2014 Publication Preface Introduction Ⅰ Heuristic Derivation 1 Interpretations of the Wave Function 2 Recapitulation of the Conventional Quantum-mechanical Theory 3 Critique of the Conventional Quantum-mechanical Theory 3.1 The State-Observable Dualism 3.2 The State After Measurement 3.3 The Arbitrariness Problem 3.4 The Concept of Measurement in the Conventional Theory 3.5 The Real Occurrence of Transitions 3.6 Conclusion 4 An Alternative to Statistical Mechanics 4.1 Conceptual Critique of Different Schools in Statistical Mechanics 4.1.1 The Kinetic Theory of Matter 4.1.2 Boltzmann Statistics 4.1.3 The Ergodic Theory 4.1.4 Statistical Ensembles 4.1.5 Different Concepts of Probability 4.1.6 The Use of Mean Values 4.1.7 Critique of the Ensemble Concept 4.1.8 Non-equilibrium States and Irreversible Processes 4.2 An Event Theory of Collective Phenomena 4.2.1 Mechanics as Basis for Macroscopic Phenomena 4.2.2 General and Dynamic-depending Results 4.2.3 The Concept of Approximation as Basis for the Theory 4.2.4 Macroscopic Events 4.2.5 Deterministic Processes 4.2.6 Irreversibility, Causality and the Direction of Time 4.2.7 The Entropy of a Macroscopic System 4.2.8 The Increase of Phase-space Volume 4.2.9 Exceptional States and E-Processes 4.2.10 Further Development of the Theory 4.2.11 The Quantum-Mechanical Substitute for Phase-Space Regions 5 Heuristic Derivation of the Confidence Theory 5.1 The Problematic Nature of the Concept of State 5.2 The Irreducibility of Collapses 5.3 The Collapse-Projection Connection 5.4 The Conceptual Basis of a Physical Theory 5.5 Initial and Boundary Conditions 5.6 Goal and General Line of Direction 5.7 A Theory Describing Successive Transitions 5.8 Basing the Theory on Observables 5.9 First Argument for Using Projections 5.10 Second Argument for Using Projections 5.11 Initial Conditions and Equiangularity 5.12 Successive Transitions 5.13 A Principle of Equiangularity 5.14 Space Localizations as Basic Observables



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