载人火星探测航天运输系统 The Space Transportation Sy

载人火星探测航天运输系统 The Space Transportation Sy

1星价 ¥134.3 (8.5折)
2星价¥134.3 定价¥158.0
  • ISBN:9787515921716
  • 装帧:一般雅质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:378
  • 出版时间:2023-01-01
  • 条形码:9787515921716 ; 978-7-5159-2171-6


载人火星运输系统 本书系统总结了面向未来人类载人火星探测任务架构及方案研究成果,提出了未来载人火星探测发展路线和总体架构设计,并基于此提出了相关航天运输系统方案,梳理了关键技术,反映了当前热点研究成果,能够为航天领域的科研工作者和广大高校师生提供参考,具有很好的借鉴性。 国际宇航科学院(IAA)院士王小军主编




Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Study History of Human Mars Exploration Architecture and Space Transportation System
2.1 United States
2.2 China
2.3 Russia
2.4 Europe
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Architecture Design Options of Human Mars Exploration Mission
3.1 Crew and Cargo Transfer Mode
3.2 Transfer Orbit Type
3.3 Earth Departure Date
3.4 Earth Parking Orbit
3.5 Propulsion Technology
3.6 Earth Escape Mode
3.7 Mars Exploration Target and Mode
3.8 Mars Parking Orbit
3.9 Mars Stay Time
3.10 Mars Capture Method
3.11 Earth Return Mode
Chapter 4 Analysis of the Architecture Design Options of Human Mars Exploration Mission
4.1 Benchmark of Human Mars Exploration Mission Architecture Design Option Analysis
4.2 Influence Analysis of the Architecture Design Options of Human Mars Exploration Mission
Chapter 5 Development Roadmap and Mission Architecture Design
5.1 Development Roadmap and Mission Architecture Selection
5.2 Mission Architecture Design
Chapter 6 Space Transportation System of Human Mars Exploration
6.1 Analysis of the Space Transportation System Component for Human Mars Exploration
6.2 Analysis of the Incremental Velocity Demand and Scale of the Space Transportation System
6.3 Earth Surface Launching System
6.4 Mars Transfer Vehicle
6.5 Mars Landing and Ascent Vehicle
6.6 Mars Surface Infrastructure
Chapter 7 Analysis of Key Technologies
7.1 System Design of Space Transportation System for Human Mars Exploration
7.2 Cryogenic Propellant On-orbit Application
7.3 Advanced Propulsion Technology
7.4 Precision Guidance and Control Technology
7.5 Advanced Energy and Communication Technology
7.6 Advanced Structural Mechanism Design Technology
Chapter 8 International Collaboration
8.1 Demand Analysis
8.2 Current Situation and Development Trend
8.3 Mode Research
Chapter 9 Conclusion and Suggestion
IAA in Brief



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