  • ISBN:9787563240067
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:344页
  • 出版时间:2020-08-01
  • 条形码:9787563240067 ; 978-7-5632-4006-7


本书共九章, 内容包括海上避碰规则概述, 船舶号灯、号型以及声响和灯光信号, 船舶在互见或能见度不良情况下的避碰, 我国《非机动船舶海上安全航行暂行规则》和《内河避碰规则》等特殊的避碰规定, 《1978年STCW公约》、《STCWCode》及《中华人民共和国海船船员值班规则》中关于值班的法定要求及驾机联系制度, 船舶避碰自动化等。


Introduction CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION TO THE COLLISION REGULATIONS Section I History, Content and Nature of the Collision Regulations Section II Interpretation of the Rules Section III Application of the Rules Section IV General Definitions in the Rules CHAPTER II LIGHTS, SHAPES, SOUND AND LIGHT SIGNALS Section I Introduction to Lights and Shapes Section II Lights and Shapes for Various Vessels Section III Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes Section IV Sound and Light Signals Section V Visual Signaling CHAPTER III CONDUCT OF VESSELS IN ANY CONDITION OF VlSlBILITY Section I Look-out Section II Safe Speed Section III Risk of Collision Section IV Action to Avoid Collision Section V Narrow Channel Section VI Ships' Routing and Traffic Separation Schemes CHAPTER IV CONDUCT OF VESSELS IN SIGHT OF ONE ANOTHER Section I Sailing Vessels Section II Overtaking Section III Head-on Situation Section IV Crossing Situation Section V Action by Give-way Vessel and Stand-on Vessel Section VI Responsibilities Between Vessels Section VII Collision Avoidance of Fishing Vessels CHAPTER V COLLISION AVOIDANCE IN RESTRICTED VlSlBILITY Section I Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility Section II Radar Plotting and Construction CHAPTER VI RESPONSIBILITY Section I Introduction to the Responsibility Rule Section II Neglect Section III Departure from the Rules CHAPTER VII SPECIAL RULES FOR COLLISION AVOIDANCE Section I Special Rules - General Section II The Interim Rules for Safe Navigation of Non-power-driven Vessels at Sea Section III Regulations for Preventing Collision in Inland Waters CHAPTER VIII WATCHKEEPING Section I Fitness for Duty Section II Watchkeeping Arrangements and Principles to Be Observed Section III Navigational Watch Section IV Radio Watch Section V Watchkeeping under Different Conditions and in Different Areas Section VI Watchkeeping in Port Section VII Principles of Communication between Bridge and Engine Room CHAPTER IX AUTOMATIC COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM Section I Introduction Section II General Framework of ACAS Section III Issues Dealt with ACAS Section IV Collision Avoidance Support Systems ANNEX I SKETCH MAPS OF LIGHTS AND SHAPES IN INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISION AT SEA, 1972 ANNEX II TABLE OF SIGNALLING FLAGS ANNEX III INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA, 1972 ANNEX IV THE INTERIM RULES FOR SAFE NAVIGATION OF NON-POWER-DRIVEN VESSEL AT SEA BIBLIOGRAPHY

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