为了健康的呼吸 中国结核病防治纪实

包邮为了健康的呼吸 中国结核病防治纪实

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  • ISBN:9787117312950
  • 装帧:精装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:216
  • 出版时间:2021-02-01
  • 条形码:9787117312950 ; 978-7-117-31295-0




**章 政府承诺 消除结核 Chapter 1 Government Commitment to End Tuberculosis 用法律法规强化结核病管理/008 Strengthening TB management with laws and regulations 用规划绘制结核病防治蓝图/010 Developing a blueprint for TB control with the national planning 用经费保障结核病防治稳步推进/012 Funding TB control for steady progress 实现结核病疫情持续下降/014 Continuing to reduce TB prevalence 第二章 患者救治 医者仁心 Chapter 2 Promotion of Early Diagnosis, Treatment and Care 新诊断技术, 为我们赢得时间/020 Time won by the new diagnostic techniques 只有坚持, 才能治愈/024 Drug adherence to cure TB 患者关怀,每个环节都要想到做到/028 Care and support in every step of the therapy 七百多个日夜,斩断耐药结核魔爪/034 Eff orts made in fi ghting drug-resistant TB 第三章 体系建设 使命担当 Chapter 3 System Building of TB Control and Workforce with Mission in Mind 卫生健康行政部门——结防体系的作战指挥部/042 Health administration-the command center in the fi ght against TB 疾病预防控制机构——结防体系的作战参谋部/044 CDCs - the joint staff of the system in the fi ght against TB 定点医院——结防体系的前沿阵地/050 Designated hospitals - the frontline against TB 基层医疗卫生机构——结防体系的防护网/054 Primary health care providers – the protective network against TB 第四章 重点人群 精准施策 Chapter 4 Measures Targeted to Key Groups with the Right Strategies 用好四大法宝,保障外来务工人员健康/062 The four tools used to protect the health of migrant workers 守好五个关口,保障学生健康/064 The fi ve checkpoints set to protect the health of students 警惕结核病,关爱老年人健康/068 Vigilance against TB and care for the health of the elderly 密切接触者筛查,减少疫情传播/070 Close contact screening to reduce TB epidemic 结核菌/ 艾滋病病毒双重感染,及时治疗就有希望/074 Early treatment for TB/HIV co-infection 第五章 智慧结控 技术创新 Chapter 5 Smart, Innovative and Forward-looking Approaches to TB Control 直报加专报信息全知道/080 Infectious Disease Reporting System and TB Information Management System 人工智能技术助力结核病诊断/084 Artifi cial intelligence facilitating TB diagnosis 智慧结控助力患者管理/086 Smart tuberculosis control leading to better patient management 远程培训学习永无止境/094 Constant capacity building by remote training 第六章 国际合作 发展共赢 Chapter 6 International Cooperation for Common Development 国际合作,因结核而结合/100 Solidarity of unite international partners in the fi ght against TB 国际舞台,发出中国声音/104 China's voice heard on the international stage 国际交流,分享中国经验/108 China's practices shared through international engagement 第七章 健康促进 全民参与 Chapter 7 Health Promotion and Universal Participation 3·24 世界防治结核病日,中国在行动/116 China in action: March 24th, the World Tuberculosis Day 多种宣传工具,助力健康促进/118 Multiple publicity tools to promote health awareness 百千万志愿者的公益力量/130 The public service power of millions of volunteers 为终止结核病,点亮中国红/138 Lighting up to show our determination to end TB 第八章 公益大使 春风化雨 Chapter 8 Signi cant Impact of the Goodwill Ambassador 编后记 Postscript

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