

1星价 ¥26.6 (7.0折)
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  • ISBN:9787109315754
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:235
  • 出版时间:2023-12-01
  • 条形码:9787109315754 ; 978-7-109-31575-4




前言 Unit 1 Education Text 1 (a) Online Education in the Post-COVID Era Part One Distinguishing Between Academic Writing and Non-academic Writing Text 1 (b) Turn Crisis into Opportunity in Response to COVID-19: Experience from a Chinese University and Future Prospects Part Two Identifying the Research Content in an Academic Writing Part Three Reading an Academic Writing Through SQ3R Method Unit 2 Artificial Intelligence Text 2 (a) Artificial Intelligence. Advantages and Disadvantages Part One Identifying and Understanding the Main Idea of an Essay Text 2 (b) AI, Radiology and the Future of Work Part Two Discovering the Writer's Stance by Identifying Key Words Part Three Developing Strategies of Note-taking by Creating Mind Maps Unit 3 Ecological Agriculture Text 3 (a) What Is Sustainable Agriculture Part One Differentiating Between Main Ideas and Supporting Ideas Text 3 (b) Ecological Intensification of Agriculture Part Two Identifying Specific Information Part Three Identifying Synonyms and Word Classes Unit 4 Electronic Commerce Text 4 (a) E-commerce Takes Off Part One Predicting and Understanding the Content of the Text Text 4 (b) Deplatforming Part Two Identifying the Purpose and Functions of the Text Part Three Identifying and Understanding Reporting Verbs Unit 5 Living Green Text 5 (a) Technological Changes and New Low-carbon Lifestyles, Key to Mitigating Climate Change Part One Guessing the Meanings of Words in Context Text 5 (b) Barriers to Green Consumption Behaviours: The Roles of Consumers' Green Perceptions Part Two Identifying Structure Functions of Paragraphs Part Three Annotating by Connell Note-taking System Unit 6 Cross-cultural Communication Text 6 (a) The State of Marriage as an Institution Part One Making Use of Displayed Information Text 6 (b) The Belt and Road Initiative and Traditional Chinese Culture Part Two Interpreting Assumed Information Part Three Understand the Conclusion Section in an Article Unit 7 Social Networking Text 7 (a) What Is Social Networking Part One Identifying Definitions Text 7 (b) What Would Happen if Facebook Were Turned off Part Two Taking Notes by Flow Chart Part Three Identifying the Outline of an Essay Unit 8 Food Security Text 8 (a) How Safe Is Our Food?--Food Recall Trends Through 2019 Part One Identifying Annotations Part Two Understanding Tables and Figures Text 8 (b) COVID-19 Risks to Global Food Security--Economic Fallout and Food Supply Chain Disruptions Require Attention from Policy-makers Part Three Identifying Reporting Verbs

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