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  • ISBN:9787513285926
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:132
  • 出版时间:2023-12-01
  • 条形码:9787513285926 ; 978-7-5132-8592-6




Chapter One The History of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Two TCM vs Western Medicine Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Three Yin-yang Theory Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Four Five Elements Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Five Qi, Blood and Body Fluids Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Six Visceral Manifestation Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Seven The Four Diagnostic Methods Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Eight Treatment Based On Syndrome Differentiation Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Nine Etiology Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Ten Acupuncture and Moxibustion Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Eleven Sub-health and Health Preservation Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity Chapter Twelve Chinese Herbal Medicine Ⅰ Lead-in Questions Ⅱ Useful Expressions Ⅲ Model Dialogues Ⅳ Oral Practice Ⅴ Creative Oral Activity References



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