- ISBN:9787302662105
- 装帧:平装-胶订
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:其他
- 页数:224
- 出版时间:2024-05-01
- 条形码:9787302662105 ; 978-7-302-66210-5
遵循《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》“通过教育国际化,深化高等教育改革”的指导思想,《学术英语写作》主要针对国际本科学术互认课程[International Scholarly Exchange Curriculum (Undergraduate),简称:ISEC] 而编排设计,同时也适用于非英语专业本科生和希望留学的学习者。本书主要帮助 ISEC 本科生了解国际英语学术写作规范和基本要求,有助于学习者顺利完成在专业课学习中所涉及的论文撰写、研究报告等方面的学术英语写作任务,创造性地引导学生在写作时灵活运用明辨性思维能力及技能,使学生能运用规范的语言表达自己的学术思想。 《学术英语写作》围绕学术论文写作的主要步骤、相关要求及方法展开,由十二个单元组成,每个单元涉及学术英语说明文和论说文写作的结构和技能。本书主要从学术英语论文写作选题、材料收集与评估、提纲撰写、文章衔接与过渡、语言文体特点、写作规范、 参考文献的标注、出版流程以及答辩致谢等方面加以详细分述。此外,附录包含参考文献常用格式指南以及论文写作的相关注意事项。
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 2
2. Introduction to Academic Writing / 3
3. Review: Types of Support in Academic Essays / 6
4. Plagiarism / 10
5. Writing Process of Academic Writing / 13
6. Self-Evaluation / 18
Chapter 2 Choosing a Title and Types of Academic Writing / 19
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 20
2. Purposes of Choosing a Title / 21
3. Principles for Choosing a Title / 22
4. Ways of Choosing a Title / 23
5. Types of Academic Writing / 28
6. Self-Evaluation / 30
Chapter 3 Source Research and Evaluation / 33
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 34
2. Types of Finding Information / 35
3. Research Skills / 37
4. Principles of Researching / 38
5. Criteria of Source Evaluation / 40
6. Note-Taking for Selected Sources / 43
7. Put it Together / 45
Chapter 4 Developing an Outline / 47
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 48
2. Introduction to Outline / 49
3. Points to Consider in Developing an Outline / 52
4. How to Write an Outline / 54
5. How to Evaluate an Outline / 61
6. Put it Together / 64
Chapter 5 Academic Language of Essay / 65
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 66
2. What is Academic Language / 67
3. Features of Academic Language / 68
4. Connecting Words and Signal Words in Writing / 72
5. Self-Evaluation / 82
Chapter 6 Introduction, Conclusion and Peer Review / 83
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 84
2. The Introductory Part / 85
3. The Concluding Part / 89
4. Peer Review / 93
5. Put it Together / 98
Chapter 7 In-Text Citation / 99
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 100
2. In-Text Citation VS. Plagiarism / 101
3. The Principles and Ways of In-Text Citation / 103
4. Quoting / 106
5. Paraphrasing / 110
6. Summarizing / 113
7. Put it Together / 118
Chapter 8 Writing the First Draft / 121
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 122
2. Thesis Statement / 123
3. Process to Write the First Draft / 128
4. Practice for the Introductory Paragraphs / 132
5. Practice for Body Paragraphs / 134
6. Practice for the Concluding Paragraphs / 136
7. Self-Evaluation / 138
Chapter 9 Abstract and References / 141
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 142
2. How to Write an Abstract / 143
3. Introduction of Reference / 146
4. APA Reference Format / 149
5. Self-Evaluation / 154
Chapter 10 Revising and Editing the Final Draft / 155
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 156
2. General Introduction to Revising and Editing / 157
3. Rereading Your Rough Draft / 158
4. Revising the Overall Structure / 159
5. Revising Sections/Chapters / 161
6. Revising Paragraphs / 163
7. Revising Sentences / 165
8. Revising Words / 167
9. Self-Evaluation / 170
Chapter 11 Research Proposal / 171
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 172
2. Introduction to Research Proposal / 173
3. Guidance and Structure of Writing a Research Proposal / 176
4. Put it Together / 181
Chapter 12 Thesis Presentation and Publication / 183
1. Critical Thinking Questions / 184
2. Thesis Presentation / 185
3. Preparing for Publication / 191
4. Self-Evaluation / 194
Appendix 1 APA Style / 195
Appendix 2 MLA Style / 200
Appendix 3 Chicago Style / 205
References / 210
作者陈雪,教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为英语语言教学与翻译。曾担任全国Pets口语考官,对外汉语面试员,Asia TEFL会员,省级微课专家。2012年、2019年分别在挪威奥斯陆大学和美国圣克劳德大学访学,注册博士课程并获学分。长期从事英语口语、写作、教学法和翻译研究工作。曾主持省级项目6项,参与15项;曾主持市、校级项目16项,参与多项。在《社会科学战线》等核心和省级期刊发表论文30多篇;曾主编、参编《英汉隐喻比较与翻译研究》等著作和教材8部。多次获省教学成果奖、省社科优秀成果、省教育科学优秀成果奖。
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