Asurvey of British Literature

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  • ISBN:9787502444068
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其它
  • 页数:217
  • 出版时间:2007-11-01
  • 条形码:9787502444068 ; 978-7-5024-4406-8


 A Survey of British Literature
   In this book, the British literature :is structured into
seven literary periods. Chronologically, each period is
introduced first by a brief comment on its social.
political, cultural and ideological conditions. Then the
book summarizes the prevailing literary trends and
schools of the time, emphasizing the lives and literary
careers of the great and major writers. Thirdly, a study
and analysis of every author's best works is highlighted,
hoping to cultivate the literary qualities of the readers.
  As a general manual of English literature, this book
can be used as a textbook in British Literature forming
part of the curricula of the Foreign Language Depart-
ments of Colleges and Universities in China. It is' also
intended for students, teachers of English literature,
postgraduates and all those who are interested in the
English literature and culture.


  This book is carefully written based on the studies of the British
literature and the author's teaching experience. The literary history and
the selective masterpieces of the important writers are intended to be
given equal weight, aiming at presenting a globe introduction of the
British literature.  In terms of the literary history, the book gives a
historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down
to the 20th century. As to the selective readings of the famous writers,
the book chooses the most representatives to deepen the understanding
and appreciation of the readers.
  In this book, the British literature is structured into seven literary
periods. Chronologically, each period is introduced firstly by a brief
comment on its social, political, cultural and ideological conditions.
Secondly the book summarizes the prevailing literary trends and schools
of the time, emphasizing the lives and literary careers of the great and
major writers. Thirdly,  a study and analysis of every author's best
works is highlighted, hoping to cultivate the literary qualities of the
readers. Aiming at raising reader's interest in English writers and their
works, the pictorial illustrations of the target writers are also provided
in the book.
  As a general manual of English literature, this book can be used as a
textbook in British literature forming part of the curricula of the Foreign
Language Departments of Colleges and Universities in China. It is also
intended for students, teachers of English literature, postgraduates and
all those who are interested in the English literature and culture.
   The making of this little book has taken me several years, during
which I have thrown into it my efforts and my heart-blood. If only the
readers need it, like it, and find it useful as a stepping-stone in their
study of English literature, I would think my time and labor has not
been spent in vain.
                                                      Hu Yan
                        Taiyuan University of Science and Technology
                                                             July, 2007

 Chapter 4
             The Enlightenment Period
4. 1  Historical Background
   After the tempestuous events of the 17th century, England entered a
period of comparatively peaceful development.
   Politically, the "glorious revolution" of 1688 was actually the beginning
of the so-called "constitutional monarchy" which is a compromise between
the aristocracy and bourgeoisie in which the crown was more or less a
figurehead and real authority was in the hands of parliament and the
cabinet. Therefore, the bourgeoisie ended their long struggle for political
freedom,  but fighting in endless political discussions to improve his
government. Two political parties: the liberal Whigs and the conservative
Toiles, we

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