

1星价 ¥17.8 (8.5折)
2星价¥17.8 定价¥21.0
  • ISBN:9787114072390
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:184
  • 出版时间:2008-07-01
  • 条形码:9787114072390 ; 978-7-114-07239-0




本书为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,全国交通土建高职高专规划教材。内容分五大部分:第1部分为精选课文,共16篇,涉及了专业基础知识、道路专业知识、桥隧专业知识,土木工程合同、计算机、养护等相关知识;第ⅱ部分为在建和已建丁程项目,主要介绍了大不列颠哥伦比亚省(british columbia,加拿大第三大省)4条公路与桥梁的修建情况;第ⅲ部分为交通控制设施,主要介绍了交通工程中的常见道路标线、交通标志等;第ⅳ部分为招投标及合同协议,介绍了一个施工招投标范本文件和一个养护合同范本协议书;第ⅴ部分为全书精选课文的生同、短语汇总表及常用的路桥工程专业术语汇编,第ⅱ部分所选课文,内容基本涵盖了道路与桥梁施工、管理和材料等各方面内容,每篇课文后附有一定量的习题;第ⅱ、ⅲ、ⅳ部分所选题材,均来自于国外*新工程项目、技术成果或标准指南等。


section-ⅰ texts
text 1 civil engineering
text 2 location surveys in rural areas
text 3 electronic total station
text 4 theory and method of structural design
text 5 types of asphalt and its uses
text 6 alignment design
text 7 highway subgrade
text 8 earth walls
text 9 construction of stabilization
text 10 asphalt pavement maintenance
text 11 bridge engineering
text 12 piers and abutments
text 13 reinforced concrete sridge
text 14 how tunnels are built
text 15 civil engineering contracts
text 16 use of computers in civil engineering
section-ⅱ projects
unit 1 the sea-to-sky highway improvement project
uuit 2 kicking horse canyon project
unit 3 border infrastructure program
unit 4 william r. bennett sridge
section-ⅲ markings
part 1 general
part 2 pavement and curb markings
part 3 object markers
part 4 traffic and parking control signs
section-ⅳ bidding document and contract agreement
bidding document
labor-based routine maintenance contract agreement
section-ⅴ appendix and references
appendix ⅰ vocabulary for texts
appendix ⅱ 路桥工程专业术语汇编


《道路工程专业英语(第2版)》为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,全国交通土建高职高专规划教材。内容分五大部分:第1部分为精选课文,共16篇,涉及了专业基础知识、道路专业知识、桥隧专业知识,土木工程合同、计算机、养护等相关知识;第Ⅱ部分为在建和已建丁程项目,主要介绍了大不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia,加拿大第三大省)4条公路与桥梁的修建情况;第Ⅲ部分为交通控制设施,主要介绍了交通工程中的常见道路标线、交通标志等;第Ⅳ部分为招投标及合同协议,介绍了一个施工招投标范本文件和一个养护合同范本协议书;第Ⅴ部分为全书精选课文的生同、短语汇总表及常用的路桥工程专业术语汇编,第Ⅱ部分所选课文,内容基本涵盖了道路与桥梁施工、管理和材料等各方面内容,每篇课文后附有一定量的习题;第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ部分所选题材,均来自于国外*新工程项目、技术成果或标准指南等。《道路工程专业英语(第2版)》适合于高等职业技术教育路桥、检测、监理、养护和管理及其他土建类专业英语教材,也可供交通中等职业教育土建类专业师生及各类干部培训学习,以及有关专业技术人员进一步提高专业英语阅读、翻译水平所用。



Traditionally, rural highway location practice has been field oriented, that is, the bulk of thelocation party's time and effort went to measurement and observation " on the ground. "Reconnaissance of the area was the first step; the locator, using available topographic maps andsometimes an airplane, explored the area. The aim was to search out feasible routes and determinesuch primary control points as mountain passes or suitable river crossings and to locate majorobstacles such as steep slopes. Reconnaissance of feasible routes came second; each of these wascovered on foot and rough measures of relative length, difficulty, and cost were taken. Where rate ofclimb was critical, slopes were measured with an Abney hand level or some comparable instrument.Often the locator "flagged" out the line as he went to establish control points for more detailedsurveys that might follow. The third step was for the survey party to run in the preliminary or P line,or, where necessary, two or more alternate lines. Distances and angles commonly were measured bytransit and taping methods; a profile was taken by differential leveling. Topographic features andcontours often were "hung onto" the P line. In the office, after the P line data plotted, the engineerlaid out the final location or alternate locations by studying the maps and profiles. Finally this L linewas staked on the ground and profiles, cross sections, and drainage were taken for it.
Modern location practice is usually based on photogrammetric techniques. The parallel totraditional methods as outlined above is striking; each contains the succeeding steps of area androute reconnaissance, preliminary-line survey, and final location. The difference is that the newmethod is "office" oriented. Field work before the final location is ready for staking is primarilydevoted to the aerial survey and ground control for it, to checking out obscure or incomplete data

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