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  • ISBN:7560008194
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:大32开
  • 页数:444
  • 出版时间:2002-04-01
  • 条形码:9787560008196 ; 978-7-5600-0819-6




Oral Functions Bank
Lesson 1 Too Clever
Lesson 2 Au Pair Girl
Lesson 3 Who Took the Money?
Lesson 4 Musical Half-Notes
Lesson 5 Is He a Hero?
Lesson 6 How It Feels When Parents Divorce
Lesson 7 Going Shopping
Lesson 8 What to Do about Grandma
Lesson 9 Why Is the World So Tough to Her?
Lesson 10 How to Describe Yourself
Lesson 11 Is He a Good Neighbour?
Lesson 12 Seeing the World
Lesson 13 What’s Wrong with Them?
Lesson 14 What Sports Do They Enjoy?
Lesson 15 Remembering My Grandparents
Lesson 16 How to Improve Your Study Habits
Lesson 17 Juvenile Delinquency
Lesson 18 How to Keep Fit
Lesson 19 Why to to School?
Lesson 20 What Does Friendship Mean to You?
Lesson 21 Why Are They So Unlucky?
Lesson 22 Tell Us About Your Hobbies
Lesson 23 All For a Son
Lesson 24 Want to Kill Yourself?
Lesson 25 Don’t They Feel Ashamed of Themselves?
Lesson 26 There Are Two Sides to Everything
Lesson 27 Is It an Ideal Career?
Lesson 28 The Perfect Match
Lesson 29 The Voices of Time
Lesson 30 Who Did It?
Lesson 31 Thoughts on the Spring Festival
Lesson 32 Do You Know Your Own Character?
Lesson 33 Thieves Beware:People See You
Lesson 34 Isn’t It Good to Speak a Foreign Language ?
Lesson 35 Never Give up the Hope of Living




I guess the main reason I was mad at Daddy was because it all made my mother so unhappy, and I ended up feeling sorry for both of them--my mother because she was struggling to make ends meet , and my Dad because he couldn't really do much about it.
Even though my parents separated more than three years ago, it's still very vivid in my mind and I doubt if I'll ever forget the way I felt at the time. Yet, as awful as it was, I never hoped they'd get back together. And now I think I'd die if they did, because it would be so awkward for me. I think they're both much happier now, and it's obvious to me that they both lead totally different lives. Since the breakup I've been able to see my parents' true colors, especially my mother's. I've seen a side of her that I never saw before. When she was married, she and Daddy were the perfect couple, always quiet, talking about dignified things, and they would never laugh or anything. Nowadays my mother is always happy and gay. Another way she's changed is that she always used to hide her problems from me but now she's more apt to discuss things. I think she's more relaxed--and so's my Dad.
Both of my parents started dating other people right away, and I think they'll both get remarried eventually, which is fine with me. They don't discuss their love lives with me all that much, but of course I'm not blind. For example, one night I had a sleep-over at a friend's house and the next morning I came home earlier than I'd planned to. Well, I just stormed into my mother's bedroom, and there was this guy in her bed--she was somewhere else, in another room. I started crying and everything, and my mother tried to convince me she had slept on the couch. Now that I look back, it was pretty hilarious, and of course I don't care--I mean, I understand about those kind of arrangements. In the beginning, when my father had a girlfriend sleep over,

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