

1星价 ¥42.3 (3.6折)
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  • ISBN:9787312022197
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:530
  • 出版时间:2009-05-01
  • 条形码:9787312022197 ; 978-7-312-02219-7


《中国科学技术大学校友文库》之《视觉科学》一书主要收纳了中科大校友的25篇关于视觉科学的代表性文章。书的内容主要分为两大部分:Ⅰ,视觉神经科学;Ⅱ,视觉感知与认知。 《Vision Science(视觉科学)(全英文)》适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。




Preface to the USTC Alumni's SeriesThe History and Current Status of Vision Research at USTCPrefaceSection I Visual NeurosciencesPre-cortical ProcessingChapter 1 Rapid BDNF-induced Retrograde Synaptic Modification in A Developing Retinotectal SystemChapter 2 Ectopic Expression of A Microbial-Type Rhodopsin Restores Visual Respoes in Mice with Photoreceptor DegenerationChapter 3 Organized Arrangement of Orientation-Seitive Relay Cells in the Cat's Doal Lateral Geniculate NucleusChapter 4 The Nucleus Isthmi and Dual Modulation of the Receptive Field of Tectal Neuro in Non-mammalsChapter 5 Direct Visualization of the Dendritic and Receptive Fields of Directionally Selective Retinal Ganglion CellsChapter 6 Functional Alignment of Feedback Effects from Visual Cortex to ThalamusChapter 7 Perceptual Learning and Top Down Influences in Primary Visual CortexChapter 8 A Processing Stream in Mammalian Visual Cortex Neuro for Non-Fourier RespoesChapter 9 GABA and Its Agonists Improved Visual Cortical Function in Senescent MonkeysChapter 10 Pattern and Component Motion Selectivity in Cortical Area PMLS of The CatChapter 11 Feature-based Attention Modulates Orientation-selective Respoes in Human Visual CortexChapter 12 Filling-in of Visual Phantoms in The Human BrainChapter 13 Categorization Training Results in Shape- and Category- Selective Human Neural PlasticityChapter 14 Reveible Blockade of Experience-dependent Plasticity by Calcineurin in Mouse Visual CortexChapter 15 The Coordinated Mapping of Visual Space and Respoe Features in Visual Cortex The Ocular-motor SystemChapter 16 Characteristics of Near Respoe Cells Projecting to the Oculomotor NucleusChapter 17 Premotor Commands Encode Monocular Eye MovementsChapter 18 Reliability of Oculomotor Command Signals Carried by Individual NeuroSection II Visual Perception & CognitionChapter 19 Orientation-selective Adaptation and Tilt After-effect From Invisible PatterChapter 20 Perceiving Distance Accurately by A Directional Process of Integrating Ground InformationChapter 21 Topological Structure in Visual PerceptionChapter 22 The Mechanism of Isoluminant Chromatic Motion PerceptionChapter 23 Primal Sketch: Integrating Structure and TextureChapter 24 Parallel and Competitive Processes in Hierarchical Analysis: Perceptual Grouping and Encoding of ClosureChapter 25 Visual Working Memory in Decision Making by Honey Bees

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