Barron s SAT II 化学

Barron s SAT II 化学

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  • ISBN:9787510010415
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:481
  • 出版时间:2009-09-01
  • 条形码:9787510010415 ; 978-7-5100-1041-5


《Barron's SAT 2 化学(*新版)(英文版)(出国留学考试用书)》:备考指南,考点透析,数百道习题邀您轮番操练,诊断测试助您认清强弱项,全真测试题帮您考前热身。


简介   《barron's sat 2 化学(*新版)(英文版)(出国留学考试用书)》:备考指南,考点透析,数百道习题邀您轮番操练,诊断测试助您认清强弱项,全真测试题帮您考前热身。


入门:关于考试的基本信息摸底考试摸底考试答案和解析估分明确你需要做什么制订学习计划考前冲刺考试之后重点内容复习1 化学入门物质能量质能守恒科学方法测量和计算本章小结习题2 原子结构和元素周期表原子的电本质原子光谱波动模型亚层和电子构型过渡元素和可变的氧化数元素周期表与周期表相关的性质本章小结习题3 键键的类型分子间作用力 双键和三键 共振结构式 分子的几何学——价电子互斥理论和杂化理论σ键和叮π键离子化合物的性质分子晶体和液体的性质本章小结习题4 化学式氧化态和化学式的写法关于氧化数的更多信息化合物的命名化学式定比定律和倍比定律写出并配平简单的方程式在化学方程式中表示出状态写出离子方程式本章小结习题5 气体和气体定律一些代表性的气体气体的普遍特性气体定律和相关问题本章小结习题6 化学计量学和摩尔概念摩尔概念摩尔质量和摩尔摩尔关系气体体积和摩尔质量密度和摩尔质量质量与体积的关系质量与质量的问题体积与体积的问题一种反应物过量的问题一种产物的百分产率本章小结习题7 液体、固体和相变液体相平衡沸点临界温度和压强固体相图水极性和氢键溶解度水溶液含水混合物序的集合浓度的表达式稀释溶液的依数性结晶本章小结习题8 化学反应和热化学预测反应热化学焓变反应热的叠加和赫斯定律键能由键能计算焓变本章小结习题9 化学反应的速率影响反应速率的因素反应速率的碰撞理论活化能反应速率定律本章小结习题10 化学平衡可逆反应和平衡勒夏特列原理条件变化带来的影响多相体系平衡同离子效应反应驱动力本章小结习题11 酸、碱和盐定义和性质指示剂滴定一一容量分析缓冲溶液盐两性物质酸雨一对环境的忧虑本章小结习题12 氧化还原和电化学氧化还原和电化学定量电解使用氧化数配平氧化还原反应本章小结习题13 一些有代表性的主族硫族卤族元素氮族元素金属本章小结习题14 碳和有机化学碳有机化学碳氢化合物碳氢化合物的衍生物本章小结习题15 原子核物理学放射性微粒的实质探测α、β、y射线衰变系、嬗变和半衰期放射性测年法本章小结习题16 实验室实验室安全规则一些基本装置定性实验总结本章小结习题测试题测试题一答案和解析估分明确你需要做什么测试题二答案和解析估分明确你需要做什么测试题三答案和解析估分明确你需要做什么测试题四答案和解析估分明确你需要做什么附录现代元素周期表一些重要的公式一些有用的表格化学元素词汇表索引


《Barron's SAT 2 化学(*新版)(英文版)(出国留学考试用书)》内容简介:The best information on whether SAT Subject Tests are required and, if so, whichones is found in the individual college catalogs or a directory of colleges. Some col-leges specify which tests you must take, while others allow you to choose.Obviously, if you have a choice and you have done well in chemistry, you shouldpick the SAT Subject Test in Chemistry as one of your tests.


插图:A strategy is a goal-directed sequence of mental operations. Selecting a strategy is themost important and also the most difficult step in the problem-solving process.Although there may be several strategies that will lead to the solution of a problem,the skilled problem solver uses the most efficient strategy. The choice of the mostefficient strategy is based on knowledge and experience as well as a careful applica-tion of the clarify and explore steps of the problem-solving method. Some problemsmay require the use of a combination of strategies. The following search methods may help you to select a strategy. They do not rep-resent all of the possible ways in which this can be done. Other methods of strategyselection are related to specific content areas. a. Trial-and-error search: Such a search either doesn't have or doesn't use informa- tion that indicates that one path is more likely to lead to the goal than any other path. Trial-and-error search comes in two forms, blind and systematic. In blind search, the searchers pick paths to explore blindly, without considering whether they have already explored these paths. A preferable method is systematic search, in which the searchers keep track of the paths they have already explored and do not duplicate them. Because this method avoids multiple searches, systematic search is usually twice as efficient as blind search. b. Reduction method: This involves breaking the problem into a sequence of smaller parts by setting up subgoals. Subgoals make problem solving easier becaue they reduce the amount of search required to find the solution. You can set up subgoals by working part way into a problem and then analyz- ing the partial goal to be achieved. In doing this, you can drop the problem restrictions that do not apply to the subgoal. By adding up all the subgoals, you can solve the "abstracted" problem. c. Working backward: When you have t

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