TCP/IP 详解 卷1:协议(英文版)
- ISBN:9787115222596
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:576
- 出版时间:2010-04-01
- 条形码:9787115222596 ; 978-7-115-22259-6
chapter 2. link layer
chapter 3. ip: internet protocol
chapter 4. arp: address resolution protocol
chapter 5. rarp: reverse address resolution protocol
chapter 6. icmp: internet control message protocol
chapter 7. ping program
chapter 8. traceroute program
chapter 9. ip routing
chapter 10. dynamic routing protocols
chapter 11. udp: user datagram protocol
chapter 12. broadcasting and multicasting
chapter 13. igmp: internet group management protocol
chapter 14. dns: the domain name system
chapter 15. tftp: trivial file transfer protocol
chapter 16. bootp: bootstrap protocol
chapter 17. tcp: transmission control protocol
chapter 18. tcp connection establishment and termination
chapter 19. tcp interactive data flow
chapter 15. tftp: trivial file transfer protocol
chapter 16. bootp: bootstrap protocol
chapter 17. tcp: transmission control protocol
chapter 18. tcp connection establishment and termination
chapter 19. tcp interactive data flow
chapter 20. tcp bulk data flow
chapter 21. tcp timeout and retransmission
chapter 22. top persist timer
chapter 23. top keepalive timer
chapter 24. tcp futures and performance
chapter 25. snmp: simple network management protocol
chapter 26. telnet and rlogin: remote login
chapter 27. ftp: file transfer protocol
chapter 28. smtp: simple mail transfer protocol
chapter 25. snmp: simple network management protocol
chapter 26. telnet and rlogin: remote login
chapter 27. ftp: file transfer protocol
chapter 28. smtp: simple mail transfer protocol
chapter 29. nfs: network file system
chapter 30. other tcp/ip applications
appendix a. the tcpdump program
appendix b. computer clocks
appendix c. the sock program
appendix d. solutions to selected exercises
appendix e. configurable options
appendix f. source code availability
插图:The third and major reason is that the room allocated for options in the IP header isn't large enough today to handle most routes. There is room for only nine IP addresses in the IP header options field. In the old days of the ARPANET this was adequate, but it is far too small nowadays.Traceroute uses ICMP and the TTL field in the IP header. The TrL field (time-to-live) is an 8-bit field that the sender initializes to some value. The recommended initial value is specified in the Assigned Numbers RFC and is currently 64. Older systems would often initialize it to 15 or 32. We saw in some of the Ping examples in Chapter 7 that ICMP echo replies are often sent with the TrL set to its maximum value of 255.Each router that handles the datagram is required to decrement the TTL by either one or the number of seconds that the router holds onto the datagram. Since most routers hold a datagram for less than a second, the TrL field has effectively become a hop counter, decremented by one by each router.The purpose of the TTL field is to prevent datagrams from ending up in infinite loops, which can occur during routing transients. For example, when a router crashes or when the connection between two routers is lost, it can take the routing protocols some time (from seconds to a few minutes) to detect the lost route and work around it.During this time period it is possible for the datagram to end up in routing loops. The TTL field puts an upper limit on these looping datagrams.When a router gets an IP datagram whose TTL is either 0 or 1 it must not forward the datagram. (A destination host that receives a datagram like this can deliver it to the application, since the datagram does not have to be routed. Normally, however, no system should receive a datagram with a TTL of 0.) Instead the router throws away the datagram and sends back to the originating host an ICMP "time exceeded
W. Richard Stevens 国际知名的UNIX和网络专家,备受赞誉的技术作家。他1951年2月5日出生于赞比亚,后随父母回到美国。中学时就读于弗吉尼亚菲什伯恩军事学校,1973年获得密歇根大学航空和航天工程学士学位。1975年至1982年,他在亚利桑那州图森市的基特峰国家天文台从事计算机编程工作,业余时间喜爱飞行运动,做过兼职飞行教练。这期间他分别在1978年和1982年获得亚利桑那大学系统工程硕士和博士学位。此后他去康涅狄格州纽黑文的健康系统国际公司任主管计算机服务的副总裁。1990年他回到图森,从事专业技术写作和咨询工作。写下了多种经典的传世之作,包括《TCP/IP详解》(三卷)、《UNIX环境高级编程》和《UNIX网络编程》(两卷)。Stevens于1999年9月1日去世,年仅48岁。2000年他被国际权威机构USENIX追授“终身成就奖”。
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