  • ISBN:9787222049710
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:307
  • 出版时间:2011-04-01
  • 条形码:9787222049710 ; 978-7-222-04971-0


     most famously, bingzhongluo boasts the nu river gorge, 320 kilometres long and often dubbed the “grand canyon of the east”. crucial to the new attempts to promote eco-tourism is unesco’s 2003 designation of the “three parallel rivers area” as a world heritage site, encompassing the nu river and the two river valleys to the east.


part one landseapesand lifestyles chapter one the flow of the river the nu river the mountains flora, fauna and farms towns and markets market days chapter two crossing the angry river spanning with fugong stone suspension bridges riding the rope-bridge chapter three caravans and crossbows nujiang caravans obstacles on the trail decline of the caravans crossbows in the canyon using a crossbow part two in the shadows of history chapter one the west discovers nujiang the french expedition of 1895 jungle explorers from pianma to hpimaw and back flying tigers over nujiang chapter two new gods for nujiang missionary monks catholic pioneers protestant preachers chapter three the acceleration of time--20th century nujiang securing the last frontier the morses return the fate of the river part three people of the canyon chapter one earliest settlers the nu stake a claim life, love and spirituality among the nu cousin dulong chapter two latter-day migrants tibetans in bingzhongluo the lure of the canyon chapter three usu white and black yunnan's usu the organization of lisu life the art of looking lisu marking the passage of time

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