- ISBN:9787508520759
- 装帧:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:20开
- 页数:177
- 出版时间:2011-05-01
- 条形码:9787508520759 ; 978-7-5085-2075-9
“中国宗教艺术”系列图文并茂,以大量精美图片,反映中国五大宗教艺术的起源、风格特征、艺术价值以及对世界文明的影响等诸多方面内容,向中外读者介绍中国宗教各方面的知识,使其更直观地了解中国宗教文化。 本书以图文并茂的形式介绍了中国佛教艺术的基本概况,包括:寺庙建筑、绘画、石窟雕塑等多种多样的艺术形式,反映了佛教传入中国以后,与中国文化艺术相融合的现象和面貌。同种类图书国内市场还不多见,富有新意。 Christianity has developed greatly in China, and Christian arts are not rarely seen in the art circle of China. This book, by presenting numerous pictures, gives a general introduction of Christian Arts in China, including Church architecture, paintings, music, etc., hoping readers come to know the manifestations of Christian arts in China and understand Christianity is free to develop in China.
Chapter One Theravada Art
Section One: Cave Temples and Stupas in Xinjiang
Section Two: Monasteries and Stupas in Yunnan
Chapter Two Mahayana Art
Section One: Han-Jin Period: First Transmission into China
Section Two: Buddhist Pagodas
Section Three: Stone Pillars
Section Four: Shrines for Buddhist Relics
Section Five: Temple Buildings
Section Six: Cave Temples
Section Seven: Stone or Gilded Bronze Statues of Buddha and Steles with Shrines
Section Eight: Monasteries in Sacred Mountains
Section Nine: Scriptures and Ritual Implements
Section Ten: Paintings of Buddhist Subjects by Professional Painters, Scholars and Officials
Chapter Three Tantric Art
Section One: Monasteries and Stupas of Tibetan Buddhism
Section Two: Combination of Hart and Tibetan Elements
Section Three: Cave Sculptures and Paintings of Tibetan Buddhism
Section Four: Thangkas
Section Five: Scriptures and Ritual Objects of Tibetan Buddhism
Section Six: Rare Chinese Tantric Relics
Theravada sutras written in Pali language spread southward to Sri Lanka, Thailand,Burma and Indonesia. Mahayana sutras spread northward to Central Asia, China, Koreaand Japan; these Sanskrit scriptures were first translated into Central Asian languages,and then into Chinese. The Chinese Tripitaka is the most complete collection of extantBuddhist scriptures; its influence reached beyond China to Korea and Japan. During theseventh century AD Buddhism spread from India to Tibet. As sutras were systematicallytranslated into the local language, Tibetan Buddhism came into being gradually. The relics of Buddhism at different stages (except for Primeval Buddhism) have allbeen found in China. The Theravada Tripitaka scriptures (from Pali, meaning "threebaskets") spread to the region in southwest China's Yunnan Province inhabited by theTai people, and had been translated into the ancient Tai language. The Sarvastivadinschool of Theravada Buddhism spread to the northwestern Xinjiang, leading to thecutting of the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Grottoes from the fourth to the tenth centuryin the ancient state of Kucha (located near present Kuche and Baicheng). The ruinspreserved in Yunnan and Xinjiang, though not very notable, reflect the spread ofTheravada Buddhism in China.
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