ECHOES of the HEART-心声集

ECHOES of the HEART-心声集

1星价 ¥42.0 (7.0折)
2星价¥42.0 定价¥60.0
  • ISBN:9787513524407
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:417
  • 出版时间:2012-09-01
  • 条形码:9787513524407 ; 978-7-5135-2440-7






自序 感悟篇 山坡羊·日月人三首 五绝·观日 七绝·钱塘观潮 五古·晨练太极 长相思·赠友 七绝·胡杨林赞 卜算子·咏梅 七绝·难眠 七绝·读贾岛诗词有感 七绝·夜尽日圆 七绝·戒妄 七律·时弊 五绝·淡泊人生 五绝·气节赞 五绝·书斋 五绝·企盼 古风·学书 七绝·读《道德经》 五绝·学诗 五绝·夜读 五绝·咏物六首 五绝·咏物又六首 五绝·咏物四首 七绝·感悟四首 七律·牡丹 七绝·读书者言十首 七律·贺中华诗词学会成立二十周年 七律·贺中国书法申遗成功 五言排律·自知人尚浅 七绝·写在中华诗词学会三大召开之际 古风·望东方 西江月·考验 七律·月晕当风 沁园春·远航 七律·六五述怀 三言诗·九九箴言 寄情篇 古风·先父去世二十年祭 七绝·母亲八十华诞 …… 沧桑篇 览胜篇


Ma Kai马凯 is State Councilor and concur-rently Secretary-General of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. An eminent economist and a classical-style poet, he has authored Reform: Participation and Rumination,Prices-From Central Planning to Market Regu/ation and a good number of other economic works. His published poem collec-tions include the Chinese editions of the Chants of a Wayfarer and Echoes of the Heart. Ling Yuan凌原 is a career translator who was assistant chief editor of the Beijing Review Press and publisher of the former Chinese Literature Press. His translations over the years are found in the English editions of such journals and publications as Be,jing Review. Chinese Literature, Panda Books and selected writings of top state leaders. Among the books he has translated into English are Chinese Mustt 20th Century and Beyond (Cengage, 2012), Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way (Cambridge,2011;FLTRP, 2010), Breaking Through (Oxforcv FLTRP, 2009), Buddhism - Ritua/s and Monastic Life (FLP, 2007), Education for 7.3 Bt7/ion (Pearson, 2005), and The Land of Silk (FLP, 2002). ……

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