

1星价 ¥55.0 (7.6折)
2星价¥55.0 定价¥72.0
  • ISBN:9787301215579
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:413
  • 出版时间:2012-12-01
  • 条形码:9787301215579 ; 978-7-301-21557-9






1 Magnetic Reconnection
1.1 What is magnetic reconnection?
1.1.1 Neutral points of a magnetic field
1.1.2 Reconnection in vacuum
1.1.3 Reconnection in plasma
1.1.4 Three stages in the reconnection process
1.2 Acceleration in current layers why and how?
1.2.1 The origin of particle acceleration
1.2.2 Acceleration in a neutral current layer
1.3 Practice:Exercises and Answers

2 Reconnection in a Strong Magnetic Field
2.1 Small perturbations near a neutralline
2.1.1 Historical comments
2.1.2 Reconnection in a strong magnetic field
2.1.3 A linearized problem in ideal MHD
2.1.4 Converging waves and the cumulative effect
2.2 Large perturbations near the neutralline
2.2.1 Magnetic field line deformations
2.2.2 Plasma density variations
2.3 Dynamic dissipation of magnetic field
2.3.1 Conditions of appearance
2.3.2 The physical meaning of dynamic dissipation
2.4 Nonstationary analytical models of RCL
2.4.1 Self-similar 2D MHD solutions
2.4.2 Magnetic collapse at the zeroth point
2.4.3 From collisional to collisionless reconnection

3 Evidence of Reconnection in Solar Flares
3.1 The role of magnetic fields
3.1.1 Basic questions
3.1.2 Concept of magnetic reconnection
3.1.3 Some results of observations
3.2 Three-dimensional reconnection in fiares
3.2.1 Topological model of an active region
3.2.2 Topological portrait of an active region
3.2.3 Features of the fiare topological model
3.2.4 The S-like morphology and eruptive activity
3.3 A current layer as the source of energy
3.3.1 Pre-flare accumulation of energy
3.3.2 Flare energy release
3.3.3 The RCL as a part of an electric circuit
3.4 Reconnection in action
3.4.1 Solar flares of the Syrovatsky type
3.4.2 Sakao-type flares
3.4.3 New topologicalmodels
3.4.4 Reconnection between active regions

4 The Bastille Day 2000 Flare
4.1 Main observational properties
4.1.1 General characteristics of the flare
4.1.2 Overlay HXR images on magnetograms
4.1.3 Questions ofinterpretaion
4.1.4 Motion of the HXR kernels
4.1.5 Magnetic field evolution
4.1.6 The HXR kernels and field evolution
4.2 Simplified topological model
4.2.1 Photospheric field model. Topological portrait
4.2.2 Coronal field model. Separators
4.2.3 Chromospheric ribbons and kernels
4.2.4 Reconnected magnetic flux. Electric field
4.2.5 Discussion of topological model

5 Electric Currents Related to Reconnection
5.1 Magnetic reconnection in the corona
5.1.1 Plane reconnection model as a starting point
5.1.2 Three-component reconnection
5.2 Photospheric shear and coronal reconnection
5.2.1 Accumulation of magnetic energy
5.2.2 Flare energy release and CMEs
6 Models of Reconnecting Current Layers
7 Reconnection and Collapsing Traps in Solar Flares
8 Solar-type Flares in Laboratory and Space
9 Particle Acceleration in Current Layers
10 Structural Instability of Reconnecting Current Layers
11 Tearing Instability of Reconnecting Current Layers
12 Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence
13 Reconnection in Weakly-Ionized Plasma
14 Magnetic Reconnection of Electric Currents

Appendix 1. Acronyms
Appendix 2. Notation
Appendix 3. Useful Formulae
Appendix 4. Constants



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