

1星价 ¥16.8 (7.0折)
2星价¥16.8 定价¥24.0
  • ISBN:9787517010791
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:64开
  • 页数:608
  • 出版时间:2013-08-01
  • 条形码:9787517010791 ; 978-7-5170-1079-1


  200余情景,8000余单词,速查速用,随身应急。   用零碎时间背单词!让你anytime,anywhere不再囧。   360沟通英语单词套餐,只要放口袋轻松装脑袋!   口语不过关,其实就是单词不过关!   现在你不必担心啦!这本书装进口袋,难题全部解决!   用零碎时间背单词!让你anytime,anywhere不再支支吾吾,比手画脚——   每次学习只要1分钟,马上满足你的应急需求。   小小口袋书,让你的单词走到哪里就背到哪里!   破天荒收录200余情景,8000余词汇,一次学到底!? 超强单词收纳工具箱!情景检索,应急实用,只要放口袋随时随地单词装脑袋!




section 1 衣
01 逛街 go window-shopping
02 买衣服buying clothes
03 描述衣服describing clothes
04 亮丽衣装 flashy clothes
05 服装设计 fashion design
06 丝绸服装silk garment
07 买鞋子buying shoes
08 讨价还价 bargaining
09 美容beauty
10 美甲 nail beauty
11 理发 getting a haircut
12 染发dyeing the hair
13 烫发 perm
14 护肤化妆skin care and make up
15 美体瘦身body slimming treatment
16 钻石珠宝diamond & jewellery
17 钱包 wallet
18 手表 watch
19 帽子 hats
20 收入 income
21 支出expenditure
section 2食
01 健康饮食healthy diet
02 食物保存food preservation
03 食物过敏 food allergy
04 保健品 health care products
05 一日三餐 three meals everyday
06 买菜 buying vegetables
07 煮饭 cooking
08 在家就餐 eating at home
09 饮料 beverage
10 评论美食 talking about food
11 餐厅用餐 eating at the restaurant
12 自助餐厅就餐 eating in the cafeteria
13 快餐店就餐
eating at the fast-food restaurant
14 西餐厅就餐 eating at a western restaurant
15 点菜 taking orders
16 入座用餐 seating
17 餐馆抱怨 complaints in the restaurant
18 喝茶 drinking tea
19 买单 paying the bill
20 野餐 having a picnic
21 厨房kitchen
22 烹饪方法cooking techniques
23 蔬菜 vegetables
24 肉类 meat
25 海鲜类sea foods
26 主食类staple foods
27 调味品condiments
28 零食小吃snacks
29 干果nuts
30 水果类f ruits
31 营养成分nutritions
section 3住
01 租房 renting a house
02 购买房产 buying a house
03 装修房子 decorating the house
04 搬家 moving house
05 起床getting up
06 洗漱washing
07 出门之前 before leaving home
08 回家后 after coming back
09 做家务 doing chores
10 养宠物 keeping a pet
11 看医生 seeing a doctor
12 去干洗店 going to the laundry
13 银行存取withdraw & deposit
14 寄东西mailing stuff
15 邻里关系 neighborhood
16 走亲访友 visiting relatives and friends
17 请客吃饭 inviting to dinner
18 读书看报 reading
19  看电视 watching tv
20 准备就寝 going to bed
section 4行
01  步行 walking
02 旅游计划 traveling plans
03 旅行社咨询 consulting in the travel agency
04 登山mountaineer
05 闲情垂钓enjoy fishing
06 欧洲之旅traveling in europe
07 自驾车driving a car
08 谈论天气talking about weather
09 绿色出行green commuting
10 乘出租车taking a taxi
11 乘坐公共汽车on a bus
12 乘坐地铁traveling by subway
13 交通堵塞traffic jams
14 交通事故car accidents
15 迷路getting lost
16 询问地址 inquirying address
section 5娱乐
01 摄影photography
02 集邮stamp collecting
03 星座sign
04 运动sports
05 看电影going to the theatre
06 听音乐listening to music
07 逛公园going to the park
08 逛酒吧bar-hopping
09 在ktv at ktv
10 文体活动activities
11 网络聊天online chatting
12 娱乐圈show biz
section 6情感
01 亲人亲情 families & family affection
02 表达爱意expressing love
03 恋爱be in love
04 交往约会having a date
05 吵架quarreling
06 分手breaking up
07 求婚proposing
08 同意或拒绝求婚
refusing or accepting propose
09  婚礼wedding
10 婚姻生活marriage life
11  结婚纪念日wedding anniversary
12 离婚divorce
13 谈论友情talking about the friendship
section 7职场
01 寻找工作job hunting
02 着装suiting up
03 自我介绍self-introduction
04 职业规划career plan
05 公司信息 company information
06 求职原因the reason of job hunting
07  工作经验working experience
08 语言能力languages
09 性格character
10 业余爱好hobbies
11 档案事务files
12 薪资待遇salary
13 招聘面试interview
14 应聘教育人员applying for an educator
15 应聘金融财会人员
applying for a financial accounting staff
16 应聘销售人员 applying for a salesman
17 应聘外贸人员
applying for a foreign trade staff
18 应聘经理applying for a manager
19 谈论工作talking about work
20 收入income
21 上班**天the first day
22 培训新人training the newcomers
23  办公室office
24  办公用品office supplies
25 办公会议meetings
26 工作间隙leisure time
27 邀请同事inviting colleagues
28 同事聚会 colleague party
29 用餐礼仪 table manners
30 办公自动化office automation
31  喝咖啡 drinking coffee
32 饭后茶点 tea after meal
33 请假 asking for a leave
34 替班加班covering &working overtime
35 迟到早退


破天荒收录200余情景,8000余词汇,一次学到底!? 超强单词收纳工具箱!情景检索,应急实用,只要放口袋随时随地单词装脑袋!

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