

1星价 ¥28.3 (8.1折)
2星价¥28.3 定价¥35.0
  • ISBN:9787308128773
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:165
  • 出版时间:2014-03-01
  • 条形码:9787308128773 ; 978-7-308-12877-3


 朱芳籽所著的《大学教育与21世纪中国女大学生 职业观婚姻观及生育观的关系探究》以三组同一时期 、不同教育背景的女性:大学毕业女生、没有受过大 学 教育已经参加工作的女孩(和女大学生同龄)及高三毕 业女生(与前两组女性相 差四年)为研究对象,采用定量和定性研究方法,以 封建时期一半殖民地半封建 时期一中华人民共和国成立到改革开放前一改革开放 (1978年)后一21世纪为 时间主线,从中国社会、文化和历史角度,解读中国 女性与教育的渊源关系,探 究现行大学教育如何影响21世纪中国女大学生的职业 观、婚姻观及生育观。   国内外尚无中国大学教育与21世纪中国女大学生 职业观、婚姻观及生育 观关系探究的学术研究文献,本课题填补了该领域研 究的空白,研究成果具有 很高的学术价值,为后续的女性高等教育研究提供了 颇有价值的启示和借鉴。   《大学教育与21世纪中国女大学生职业观婚姻观 及生育观的关系探究》适用于从事高等教育或女性教 育研究的人士,也可供计划去国(境)外 攻读学位的人士作学位论文写作参考。




1  introduction  1.1  background of the research    1.1.1  the origin of the research    1.1.2  the pilot study    1.1.3  the rationale of the research    1.1.4  the objective of the research  1.2  the theoretical framework of the research  1.3  the terminology of the research  1.4  overall structure of the research2  education in china  2.1  the history and tradition of education in china    2.1.1  the foundation of education    2.1.2  the underlying principles of education    2.1.3  the influence of confucian education in other asian countries  2.2  present education in china    2.2.1  the causes of the growth of education    2.2.2  present education system in china  2.3  higher education in china    2.3.1  what is higher education    2.3.2  access to university education in china    2.3.3  the causes of the growth of higher education3  women and education  3.1  women's access to education and higher education in old china  3.2  women's access to education and higher education at present-day china  3.3  the changes of women's perspectives  3.4  the implication of higher education on women4  methodology  4.1  data collection  4.2  the study setting  4.3  the sample selection  4.4  the method of data analysis  4.5  survey questionnaire design5  analysis of the data  5.1  discussion and interpretation of the findings    5.1.1  biographical details    5.1.2  women's perspectives on career    5.1.3  women's perspectives on marriage    5.1.4  women's perspective on motherhood  5.2  the summary of the findings    5.2.1  the relationship between one's family background and education level    5.2.2  the characteristics of women's perspectives6  conclusion  6.1  the significance of the research  6.2  the validity of the research  6.3  the limitation of the research  6.4  suggestions for further studyreferencesappendix  appendix a: pilot interview data  appendix b: pilot questionnaire  appendix c: pilot questionnaire data  appendix d: research cover letter  appendix e: research questionnaire(english version)  appendix f: research questionnaire(chinese version)  appendix g: questions unique to each group  appendix h: summary sheet of the research interview transcripts  appendix i: summary sheet of questionnaire datalist of tables and figure  table 1: school system in the people's republic of china  table 2: females enrolled in higher education in 1978--2004  table 3: the fertility status of different educational levels of women from 1981 to 1989  table 4: conditions that a woman wants future spouse to have  table 5: factors that influence girls' plans on marriage in the future  table 6: women's ideal marriage age  figure 1: difficulty level in finding jobskeywords indexes

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