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  • ISBN:9787040339147
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:251
  • 出版时间:2014-06-01
  • 条形码:9787040339147 ; 978-7-04-033914-7


  《美国大学生数学建模竞赛题解析与研究》是以美国大学生数学建模竞赛(mcm/icm)赛题为主要研究对象,结合竞赛特等奖的优秀论文,对相关的问题做深入细致的解析与研究。本辑针对2013年mcm/icm竞赛的3个题目:*佳巧克力蛋糕烤盘问题、淡水资源的调配问题以及地球生态环境的健康临界点问题等进行了解析与研究。由于参赛论文需要用英语书写,同时考虑到不同层次读者的需要,故本书包括两部分:一部分是地道的英文,另一部分为与之对应的中文,便于读者在学习建模方法的同时,逐步培养用英文写作及思考的习惯。   王杰、jaybelanger、吴孟达、刘易成编著的《美国大学生数学建模竞赛题解析与研究(第5辑)》内容新颖、实用性强,可作为指导学生参加美国大学生数学建模竞赛的主讲教材,也可作为本科生、研究生学习和准备全国大学生、研究生数学建模竞赛的参考书,同时也可供研究相关问题的科研人员参考使用。




comap总裁序forward by sol garfunkelicm竞赛主席序forward by chris arney丛书简介前言i  mathematical modeling for mcm/icm 2013chapter 1  introductionchapter 2  general methodology  2.1  before the contest  2.2  reading the problem  2.3  literature search  2.4  creating models  2.5  finding solutions  2.6  stability and sensitivity  2.7  writing up the solution  exerciseschapter 3  the ultimate brownie pan  3.1  problem description  3.2  how to approach the problem    3.2.1  deciding what needs to be done    3.2.2  searching the liteiature    3.2.3  creating a model    3.2.4  finding solutions    3.2.5  stability testing  3.3  judging    3.3.1  judging criteria    3.3.2  outstanding winners  3.4  model 1: the best rounded rectangle for ultimate brownies    3.4.1  packing the pans in standard ovens    3.4.2  maximizing the even distribution of heat    3.4.3  optimizing the perimeters of pans  3.5  model 2: an outstanding brownie pan    3.5.1  analyzing a circular pan    3.5.2  examining twodimensional shape    3.5.3  finding the best shape  exeiciseschapter 4  water,water,everywhere  4.1  problem description  4.2  how to approach the problem    4.2.1  searching the literature    4.2.2  creating a model    4.2.3  finding solutions    4.2.4  stability test  4.3  judging    4.3.1  judging criteria    4.3.2  outstanding winners  4.4  model 1: a highly regarded water strategy    4.4.1  water supply and demand    4.4.2  modeling water transfer    4.4.3  water transfer and desalinization    4.4.4  including water conservation  4.5  model 2: an outstanding water strategy    4.5.1  water supply and demand    4.5.2  water distribution costs    4.5.3  modeling water transfer and desalinization    4.5.4  using the model to determine a strategy    4.5.5  the best strategies  4.6  model 3: meeting the demands of saudi arabia's water needs.    4.6.1  modeling desalinization    4.6.2  a water distribution strategy    4.6.3  treating waste water    4.6.4  comments  exerciseschapter 5  network modeling of earth's health ichapter 6  network modeling of earth's health iiⅱ  2013年美国大学生数学建模竞赛解题指南第1章  引言第2章  常规建模步骤第3章  *佳巧克力蛋糕烤盘第4章  水,水,无处不在第5章  地球健康网络建模i第6章  地球健康网络模型ii英文部分索引中文部分索引参考文献 

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