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  • ISBN:9787040392456
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:124
  • 出版时间:2014-02-01
  • 条形码:9787040392456 ; 978-7-04-039245-6


听是语言交际的一个重要方面。在对外交往中, 听力水平的高低直接影响着人们相互理解的程度和工 作效率。随着国际交流日渐频繁和电讯技术迅猛发展 ,提高英语听的能力显得尤为重要。张民伦主编的《 英语听力教程(2学生用书第3版十二五普通高等教育 本科***规划教材)》正是为了适应时代的发展和 英语教学的需要而编写的。在编写中,我们努力借鉴 国内外近年英语听力教学的研究成果,在总结几十年 教学经验的基础上,遵循本课程的教学理论和原则, 针对中国学生英语听力学习的特点,进行了新的尝试 。本教材可供高等学校英语专业一至三年级的学生使 用,同时适合师范高等专科学校、教育学院、广播电 视大学、成人高校英语专业学生及社会上广大英语自 学者使用。


《英语听力教程》(Listen This Way )(第三版)主要适用于高等院校英语专业一至三年级学生,同时适合师专、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高校英语专业学生及相当水平的英语学习者。


Unit 1 Under the Same RoofPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Radio phone-inPart Ⅲ Family life theand nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Changing RolesPart Ⅴ Memory test: Freedom or Discipline?Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 2 A Sweet, Sweet HomePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ The dream housePart Ⅲ Flat huntingPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Property PricesPart Ⅴ Memory test: Housing ComplaintsPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 3 Seize the School DaysPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ The teacher I remember bestPart Ⅲ Childreof a decadePart Ⅳ More about the topic: School ReportPart Ⅴ Memory test: Study HabitsPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 4 EducatioMattersPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Home schoolingPart Ⅲ UK or US education?Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Co-educational or Segregated Schools?Part Ⅴ Memory test: PISAPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 5 Choice Versus ChancePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Summer jobsPart Ⅲ Jobs: my idea of hell, my idea of heavenPart Ⅳ More about the topic: My Line of WorkPart Ⅴ Memory test: Job OpeningPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 6 The ⅠnterⅥewer's EyePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Two girls talking othe phonePart Ⅲ A good interⅥewPart Ⅳ More about the topic: The InterⅥewer's EyePart Ⅴ Memory test: Who'll Get the Job?Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 7 About YourselfPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ The digestⅣe system and diarrheaPart Ⅲ ⅠmmunityPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Why Do I Catch Colds?Part Ⅴ Memory test: Dental HealthPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 8 Are You Fit and Healthy?Part Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Stress and catching coldsPart Ⅲ 'So you wanna keep fit, huh?'Part Ⅳ More about the topic: SubhealthPart Ⅴ Memory test: How to Keep Your Liver HealthyPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 9 Sportsmanship and ChampionshipPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Yoga exercisesPart Ⅲ Match of the dayPart Ⅳ More about the topic: SportsmanshipPart Ⅴ Memory test: Which Sport?Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 10 'Have Fun!'Part Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ What's othe box?Part Ⅲ Tourist informationPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Party GamesPart Ⅴ Memory test: Entertainment AnnouncementsPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points ithis unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoy Unit 11 ReⅥewActivity Ⅰ Children's jokesActivity Ⅱ Do you believe it?Activity Ⅲ Hope you don't mind my askingActivity Ⅳ Visiting BritainActivity Ⅴ You and your munityActivity Ⅵ History of encyclopediasActivity Ⅶ Meand womenActivity Ⅷ Watch and enjoy Videoscript

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