  • ISBN:9787508529981
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:241
  • 出版时间:2014-12-01
  • 条形码:9787508529981 ; 978-7-5085-2998-1




该书汇集了一些名家对唐诗的解读赏析文章, 包括叶嘉莹的“唐诗的源流”、袁行霈的“愤激的呼喊 —— 浅析陈子昂《登幽州台歌》”、顾学颉的“白居易诗学杜甫一例”以及钟元凯的“哲理与诗情的交融 —— 说李白诗《日出入行》”等名篇, 这些名家对诗歌的领悟力和审美感受力都


Origin of Poetry in the Tang DynastyA Complete Avoidance of Cliche and Remaining FreshForever - Appreciating and Analyzing "Climbing the StorkTower" Authored by Wang ZhihuanIndignant Outcry - Brief Analysis on the Poem "on TheTower at Youzhou" Composed by Chen ZiangA Vivid Touch: Landscape Bathed in Moonlight Permeatingthroughout the Air - Reading and Appreciating "White StoneBeach" Authored by Wang WeiSweet Laurel Blooms in the Poem Entitled "The Dale ofSinging Birds". New Explanation Has No Way to Justify Itself- MoreComments on "Laurel Blooms" in "The Dale of Singing Birds". Wang Wei and His Four Quatrains Which Are Listed intoCatalogue of Poems Required for Elementary EducationAppreciating and Analyzing the Piece "Drinking Aloneunder the Moon". The Sense of Freshness Conveyed by Classical Poetry -Appreciating "Hard Is the Way to Shu" Authored byLi Bai and"Paying a Visit to Qixia Temple and WatchingMountains in Guilin" Written by Yuan MeiA Fusion of Philosophy with Poetic Sentiment - A BriefIntroduction to Li Bai's Poem Entitled "Ode to Sunriseand Sunset". Appreciation and Analyses of the Piece "Visiting an OldFriend's Cottage" Authored by Meng HaoranBai Juyi Learns from Du Fu"Genuine Feelings" and "Dignified Style" inDu Fu's Verses Appreciation of Du Fu's Poem "Sleeping at theOfficial Residence". Appreciation of Du Fu's Poem "Ode to Painting". Fire Tries to Burn Them Up in Vain; They Rise AgainWhen Spring Winds Blow - Appreciating and Analyzing "Grass on the Ancient Plain". The Marvelous Landscape and an Immortal Verse -Appreciating and Analyzing the Piece "On Lake Qiantangin Spring" Written by Bai JuyiA Brief Introduction to the Pieces "Elegies on the Palacefor Thinking of Son" Authored by Bai JuyiA Picture of Mountainous Village Tinged withUnsophisticated Sentiments - Reading the Piece "Paying aVisit to a Mountainous Farmyard" Writtenby Gu KuangMaking the Whole Poem Full of Picturesque Sentiment -Reading "On the West Stream at Chuzhou" Written byWei YingwuA Sense of Beauty and A Sense of Reality - My HumbleOpinion of the Verse "Mooring by Maple Bridgeat Night". A Nostalgic Song Disseminating Loneliness - Reading thePiece "Putting Up at a Courier Station On New Year's Eve"Authored by Dai ShulunConversion of Visual Angle - Reading the Piece "Writtenon a Rainy Night to My Wife in the North" Authored byLi ShangyinIn Human World Sunny Evening's Held Dear - Readingthe Piece "A Sunny Evening after Rain'' Written byLi ShangyinA Minimal Error or Deviation May Result in WideDivergence - Reading the Piece "An Autumn Night"Written by Du Mu Once AgainA Metaphoric Piece Combining a Serious Theme with aStrong Sense of Humor at the Same Time - Reading thePoem "The Red Cliff" Written by Du Mu



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