  • ISBN:9787510057090
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:233
  • 出版时间:2015-01-01
  • 条形码:9787510057090 ; 978-7-5100-5709-0


本书立足于文化分析和传播政治经学, 针对具有中国特色的电视节目中的媚俗和市井化现象进行探讨, 着眼于这一进程的文化属性, 即其在不同的电视节目样式中吸引眼球、服务于电视商业化市场化的具体表现等。


INTRODUCTIONThe Rock and the Hard PlaceDynamic City, Tabloid TVKey Research QuestionsMethodologyThe Arrangement of the ThesisPART ONE CHINESE MEDIA IN TRANSITIONCHAPTERONE FROM MAOISM TO\" MARKETThe First PeriodThe Second PeriodThe Third PeriodThe Fourth Period and the Party PrincipleCHAPTERTWO INSTITUTIONAL SHIFTSShifting Governance——DecentralizationShifting Finances——The Growth of AdvertisingShifting Environments: The Rise of the InternetShifting Corporate Structure Consolidation and ConglomerationShifting Horizons: Imports, Exports and Transnational AlliancesCHAPTERTHREE PROGRAMMING RESPONSESChanging Emphases——From Instruction to Audience BuildingCommerce and Representation——TabloidisationTabloidisation with Chinese CharacteristicsPART TWO SHANGHAI: MEDIA CITYCHAPTERFOUR SHANGHAI, A UNIQUE METROPOLISThe City as a City StateThe City as a Cultural LaboratoryThe City as a Consumer CentreThe City as a Media HubSummaryCHAPTERFIVE BROADCASTING IN. SHANGHAIA City in Motion: Developments and OpportunitiesEmerging Broadcasting Markets: Competition and CommercialismConsolidation and Specialization: The Rise of the Shanghai Media GroupCHAPTERSIX THE DEVELOPMENT OF DRAGON TVMotivationAmbitionsCorporate StrategiesCompetitions and CompetitorsSummaryPART THREE REORGAN I SING REPRESENTAT I 0NSCHAPTERSEVEN INSIDE DRAGON TVInstitutional InnovationsProgramming StrategiesDimensions of TabloidisationCHAPTEREIGHT TALKING POINTS: TONIGHT SHOWTalk Shows in ChinaAmerican vs. Dragon Tonight ShowA Case Study of Dragon's Tonight ShowCHAPTERNINE INVESTIGATIONS: DEPTH 105Investigative Documentaries in ChinaA Case Study of Depth 105Chinese-Style Tabloidisation in Depth 105CHAPTERTEN POPULAR PLEASURES: GAME PLAYERSThe Gaming Culture in ChinaA Case Study of Game PlayersChinese-Style Tabloidisation in Game PlayersCONCLUSIONBIBLIOGRAPHYINTERVIEWSACKNOWLEDGEMENTSList of FiguresList of Tables



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