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  • ISBN:9787515910291
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:21cm
  • 页数:528
  • 出版时间:2016-01-01
  • 条形码:9787515910291 ; 978-7-5159-1029-1




精彩原文——感人的文字令阅读英文充满了诗意,真情的故事让心灵获得片刻宁静与感动。 精准译文——每篇文章配以优美精准译文,在享受阅读原文的同时,体味译文的精彩之处。 详尽注释——详细的注释更有助于赏析原文,感受英文的语言魅力。 中英对照——中英前后对照的版式设计,体验阅读原文的痛快淋漓,提升阅读兴趣。  


目录1. 感恩的机会 0011.  when we give thanks2. 母爱无价 ......0042.  the priceless mother love3. 微笑 ..................0053.  the smile4. 睡美人 ............0084.  the sleeping beauty5. 16岁生日的信 .........0105.  sixteenth birthday letter6. 人人有本难念的经 0156.  every living person has problems7. 幸福 ..................0187.  happiness8. 学会生活在现实中 0208.  learn to live in actuality9. 母亲的礼物 0239.  my mother’s gift10. 永远的情人节礼物 .03010.  my forever valentine11. 生活是一场游戏 03411.  life is a game12. 爱情是一部电话 03712.  love is a telephone13. 深夜幽会 ...04013.  meeting at night14. 论爱情 .........04114.  of love15. 爱的小纸条 ............04415.  love notes16. 有感于青春常在 04816.  on the feeling of immortality in youth17. 我的完美妻子 ......05117.  my perfect wife18. 爱自己 .........05318.  love of self19. 一朵红红的玫瑰 05619.  a red, red rose20. 爱情 ...............05720.  love21. 谁是*爱你的人 06021.  who loves you the best22. 热爱生活 ...06422.  love your life23. 噢,宝贝儿们 ......06623.  oh babies24. 运用充满爱意的眼神 06824.  take a loving look25. 我的生命交响曲 07025.  my symphony of life26. 让爱人心情愉快的五个方法 07126.  five ways to buff up your love ones27. 母亲 ...............07327.  mother28. 痛苦与成长 ............07828.  pain and growth29. 我曾在海外的异乡流浪 ............08029.  i travelled among unknown men30. 给我一个小小的世界 08230.  please let me have a little world31. 我爱你 .........08431.  i love you32. 给生活多一份爱 08632.  put a little love in your life33. 爱的天竺葵 ............08833.  geraniums of love34. 比金钱更珍贵的 09134.  something better than money35. 热爱生命 ...09335.  love of life36. 她光彩照人,款款而行 ............09836.  she walks in beauty37. 舍得为爱付出时间 .10037.  put time where love is38. 改变我一生的一天 .10138.  the day that changed my life39. 生活的艺术 ............10339.  the art of living40. 我的第二任父亲 10540.  my second father41. 快乐之门 ...10841.  the happy door42. 生活的乐趣 ............11042.  the joy of living43. 爱之絮语 ...11143.  whispering love44. 父亲的吻 ...11444.  dad’s kiss45. 施爱者与被爱者 11845.  the lover and the beloved46. 曲折浪漫路 ............12146.  detour to romance47. 这些美好不会消逝 .12747.  these things shall never die48. 我的世界观 ............12948.  the world as i see it49. 纸杯上的爱 ............13149.  the paper cup50. 十四行诗第148首 13350.  sonnet 14851. 我们需要朋友 ......13451.  we need friends52. 当爱向你们挥手 13652.  when love beckons you53. 我们相亲相爱 ......13953.  we were dear to each other54. 星期天怎么了 ......14054.  what happened to sunday55. 深情拥抱 ...14255.  a hug for your thoughts56. 微笑!你将感觉更好 14556.  smile! you’ll feel better57. 破晓 ...............14757.  break of day58. 我为何而生 ............14858.  what i have lived for59. 我为什么想要个妻子 15159.  why i want a wife60. 你是你的所为 ......15360.  you are what you do61. 为人类而奋斗 ......15561.  work done for humanity62. 老朋友,好朋友 15862.  old friends, good friends63. 另一种爱 ...16063.  another kind of love64. 家庭 ...............16264.  f-a-m-i-l-y65. 爱与喜欢不同 ......16565.  the difference between love and like66. 和母亲约会 ............16766.  dating with my mother67. 美丽的微笑与爱心 .16967.  beautiful smile and love68. 孩子的爱 ...17368.  a child’s love69. 家 .....................17569.  home70. 妈妈的小向导 ......17770.  mom’s little guide71. 孩子的守护天使 17971.  the child’s angel72. 祝妈妈生日快乐 18172.  on my mother’s birthday73. 美丽人生 ...18373.  beauty74. 我与父亲 ...18874.  dad and i75. 幸福之道 ...19175.  the road to happiness76. 男人眼中的完美女人 19676.  beauty is in the eye of the beholder77. 不言放弃 ...20177.  don’t give up78. 给母亲的礼物 ......20278.  presents to mother79. 一份爱的礼物 ......20479.  a gift of love80. 爱要说出口 ............21180.  speak out your love81. 坚持不懈 ...21581.  perseverance82. 父亲的形象 ............21782.  the very image of a father83. 一个美丽的故事 21983.  a beautiful story84. 孩子的眼睛 ............22284.  children’s eyes85. 善良的心 ...22485.  a good heart to lean on86. 持续了60年的爱情故事 ............22886.  a love story lasting for 60 years87. 风中的羽毛 ............23687.  feather in the wind88. 我的父亲是我的英雄 23888.  my father was my hero89. 拿破仑·波拿巴致玛丽·约瑟芬 24189.  napoleon bonaparte to marie josephine90. 母亲 ...............24390.  mother91. 假如给我三天光明 .24491.  three days to see92. 起点 ...............27192.  starting point93. 你所记得的一切 27393.  all you remember94. 天使的故事 ............27794.  a story of the angel95. 心底的话 ...27995.  words from the heart96. 木制品天使 ............28496.  the woodwork angel97. 朋友 ...............28697.  friends98. 追随梦想 ...29298.  follow your dream99. 一份独特的工作 29699.  a unique job100. 金钱能买来幸福吗 ...299100.  can money buy happiness101. 成长的树根 .........301101.  growing roots102. 奇迹 ............305102.  a miracle103. 成功偏爱那些有准备的人 ...308103.  preparation leads to success104. 母亲的心路历程 314104.  journey of a mother105. 老师改变了男孩的人生 .........318105.  the difference a teacher can make106. 两个要避免的字,两个要铭记的字 324106.  two words to avoid, two to remember107. 匆匆 ............333107.  rush108. 便笺的力量 .........335108.  the power of a note109. 在李先生那一侧的街 ...............342109.  mr. lee’s side of the street110. 老爸 ............350110.  my dad111. 来不及哭泣 .........356111.  no time for tears112. 逝去与新生 .........362112.  loss leads to new life113. 王子和法官 .........367113.  the prince and the judge114. 颜色 ............372114.  colors115. 两位感恩节里的绅士 ...............373115.  two thanksgiving day gentlemen116. 我的土耳其祖母 379116.  my turkish grandmother117. 意外的好处 .........383117.  pennies from heaven118. 一盏破提灯 .........388118.  the broken lantern119. 窗户里的阳光 ...395119.  the light in the window120. 渐开之门 401120.  the door swings open121. 秋天——收获的季节 ...............406121.  autumn—the harvest season122. 原子能时代的和平 ...408122.  peace in the atomic age123. 轻轻地,柔和地 411123.  sweet and low124. 一个船员的圣诞礼物 ...............412124.  a sailor’s christmas gift125. 水仙 ............417125.  the daffodils126. 朋友和永远的朋友 ...419126.  friends and friends forever127. 皮匠和银行家 ...421127.  the cobbler and the banker128. 童年 ............423128.  childhood129. 特殊的场合 .........427129.  a special occasion130. 白杨礼赞 431130.  tribute to white poplar131. 雪夜林边小驻 ...436131.  woods on a snowy evening132. 一生的收获 .........438132.  catch of a lifetime133. 一双短袜 441133.  a pair of socks134. 彩虹 ............444134.  the rainbow135. 春天 ............446135.  spring136. 夜 ..................447136.  night137. 我们在旅途中 ...450137.  we are on a journey138. 竞选纽约参议员的演讲 .........451138.  new york senate race speech139. 爱是艰难的 .........455139.  love is difficult140. 真爱 ............457140.  true love141. 感觉爱 ......458141.  being in love142. 爱是耐人寻味的 462142.  love is special143. 小女孩 ......466143.  a little girl144. 我是怎样识字的 468144.  how i discovered words145.  爱因斯坦留下了什么——智慧、勇气与爱 ................475145.  what has einstein left as—wisdom, courage and love146. 给儿子的信 .........478146.  letter to his son147. 长冬过后 481147.  after a long winter148. 爱美 ............484148.  the love of beauty149. 一个爱的故事 ...486149.  a love story150. 你心目中的好朋友 ...488150.  your idea of a good friend151. 假如我又回到了童年 ...............492151.  if i were a boy again152. 一封爱的信 .........495152.  a love letter153. 我有一个梦想 ...498153.  i have a dream154. 野花 ............502154.  wild flowers155. 知足才长乐 .........504155.  there is no better than here156. 音乐 ............509156.  music157. 交友之道 511156.  on making friends

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