中国图书馆学报年刊:英文版:2015:volume 7, 2015

包邮中国图书馆学报年刊:英文版:2015:volume 7, 2015

1星价 ¥28.2 (3.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787501357147
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:270
  • 出版时间:2015-12-01
  • 条形码:9787501357147 ; 978-7-5013-5714-7






thoughts on the study of library history in china yong/in hanthe construction of modern public cultural service system and the development of public libraries: an analysis about the views on accelerating the construction of modern public cultural service system guoxin lia study on construction and accomplishment for the county level central-branch library system in china wugang jinthe unity of freedom and equality in library rights system an changresearch on hong fanwu's remarkable contribution to the modern library cause of china jianxin. gu, fang tian & lei sh1formal semantic description standard family for chinese kos ( ii ): research and implementation of classification scheme sharing service systemhuajun huang, xinhong zeng, weiming lin & ruoyun chenempirical study on journal literature guarantee of academic library: a case study of wuhan university xincai wang & haining wanga method of semantic representation and organization of the historic knowledge on contemporary chinaying wang, zhixiong zhang, hui sun & feng leianalysis of the relationship between microblogging users' affections and users' satisfaction luchuan liu & kai sunthe motivation of adolescents' social reading: a case study of middle school students' reading via wechat in shanghai wu liexploring information divide based on a theoretical view of information source horizon wenjie zhou, hui yan & shenglong hanthe diffusion process of academic innovation ge songa review on the studies of japan's plundering of books and literatures from china mikun ma, gang li & jianhua wuextended english abstracts of articles published in the chinese edition of journal of library science in china 2015 vol.41

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