国家创新指数报告(2013年 英文版)  [NATIONAL INNOVATION IND]

包邮国家创新指数报告(2013年 英文版) [NATIONAL INNOVATION IND]

1星价 ¥42.8 (7.4折)
2星价¥42.8 定价¥58.0
  • ISBN:9787502389369
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:82
  • 出版时间:2014-10-01
  • 条形码:9787502389369 ; 978-7-5023-8936-9


  为了监测和评价创新型国家建设进程,中国科学技术发展战略研究院从2006年起开展了有关创新评价指标的系统研究。《国家创新指数报告(2013年 英文版)》汇集了这项研究的成果。《国家创新指数报告(2013年 英文版)》借鉴国内外关于国家竞争力和创新评价等理论与方法,从创新资源、知识创造、企业创新、创新绩效和创新环境五个方面构建了国家创新指数的指标体系;选用了R&D经费投入占全球98%以上的40个国家作为研究对象;以2010~2012年的统计(调查)数据为基础,采用国际上通用的标杆分析法测算了40个国家的创新指数,并对测算结果进行了详细分析。所用数据均来自各国政府或国际组织的数据库和出版物,具有国际可比性。


I. China's progress reflected in the key indicators
(I) China continues to scale up input of innovation resources
(ll) China has established a convincing advantage in the output of knowledge
(111) Science and technology is making greater contribution to economic growth

II. The International Standing of Chinese Innovation
(I) China's innovation capability is stronger than countries with the same level of economic development
(11) China continues to lead in innovation capability among BRICS countries
(111) China still has considerable room for further boosting innovation capability

III. Evaluation of the indicators of the national innovation index
(I) China is securing its ranking in the input of innovation resources
(ll) China is quickly enhancing its knowledge creation capability
(111) China is at the middle-to-upper level in enterprise innovation
(IV) China's score is mixed in innovation performance
(V) China's innovation environment continues to improve

VI. Development and Outlook of China's Innovation Capability
(I) Index growth indicates rapid improvement of innovation capability
(11) China is on the road of Big Power innovation
(111) All goals in the 12th Five-year Plan are on track to be accomplished

V. Methodology
(I) Evaluation guidelines
(11) Indicator system
(111) Calculation method

Appendix 1 Measurement and sequencing of the indicators used in the innovation index
Appendix 2 Definition of indicators

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