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1星价 ¥463.5 (7.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787550293656
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:37cm
  • 页数:592
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787550293656 ; 978-7-5502-9365-6




经典著作 半个多世纪以来,《Zollinger外科手术图谱》已经成为学习如何将安全、成熟的技术应用于*常见的外科手术中的*经典图谱。内容全面 本图谱包括胃肠、肝胆、胰、血管、妇产科及其他方面的手术,如疝修补、血管通路、乳房手术、前哨淋巴结活检术、甲状腺切除术等。每种手术从适应证、术前准备、麻醉、体位、手术准备、切口和暴露、手术过程、缝合和术后护理等方面予以介绍。第10版新增了19个手术内容。 图片精美 每章包含精美细致的线条图,描述手术操作中的重要步骤时,用颜色突显相应的解剖位置。观看本书提供的解剖和手术操作图片,有助于复习和学习特定的手术步骤。


Preface Associate Editors section i: basics section ii: surgical anatomy section iii: general abdomen section iv: esophagus and stomach section v: small intestine, colon,and rectum section vi: gall bladder, bileducts, and liver section vii: pancreas and spleen section Viii: genitourinary section ix: hernia section x: endocrine section xi: head and neck section xii: skin, soft tissue, and breast section xiii: vascular section xiv: extremities 目 录 Preface Associate Editors section i: basics chapter 1 Surgical Technique 2 Anesthesia 3 Preoperative Preparation and Postoperative Care 4 Ambulatory Surgery section ii: surgical anatomychapter 5 Arterial Blood Supply to the Upper Abdominal Viscera 6 Venous and Lymphatic Supply to the Upper Abdominal Viscera 7 Anatomy of the Large Intestine 8 Anatomy of the Abdominal Aorta and Inferior Vena Cava 9 Thoracic and Pulmonary Anatomy section iii: general abdomenand thoraxchapter 10 Laparotomy 11 Hasson Open Technique for Laparoscopic Access 12 Veress Needle Technique 13 Diagnostic Laparoscopy 14 Chronic Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Insertion 15 Thoracotomy Incision 16 Thoracoscopy section iv: esophagus and stomachchapter 17 Gastrostomy 18 Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy 19 Closure of Perforation—Subphrenic Abscess 20 Gastrojejunostomy 21 Pyloroplasty—Gastroduodenostomy 22 Vagotomy 23 Vagotomy, Subdiaphragmatic Approach 24 Hemigastrectomy, Billroth I Method 25 Hemigastrectomy, Billroth I Stapled 26 Gastrectomy, Subtotal 27 Gastrectomy, Subtotal—Omentectomy 28 Gastrectomy, Polya Method 29 Gastrectomy, Hofmeister Method 30 Hemigastrectomy, Billroth II Stapled 31 Total Gastrectomy 32 Total Gastrectomy, Stapled 33 Roux-en-Y Gastrojejunostomy 34 Fundoplication 35 Fundoplication, Laparoscopic 36 Esophageal Myotomy, Laparoscopic 37 Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Laparoscopic 38 Sleeve Gastrectomy, Laparoscopic 39 The Adjustable Gastric Band, Laparoscopic 40 EsophagectomyTranshiatal 41 Esophagectomy, Transthoracic 42 Pyloromyotomy section v: small intestine, colon,and rectumchapter 43 Intussusception and Meckel’s Diverticulectomy 44 Resection of Small Intestine 45 Resection of Small Intestine, Stapled 46 Enteroenterostomy, Stapled 47 Enterostomy 48 Appendectomy 49 Appendectomy, Laparoscopic 50 Surgical Anatomy of Large Intestine 51 Loop Ileostomy 52 Transverse Colostomy 53 Closure of Colostomy 54 Colon Anastomosis, Stapled 55 Colectomy, Right 56 Colectomy, Right, Laparoscopic 57 Colectomy, Left, End-to-End Anastomosis 58 Colectomy, Left, Laparoscopic 59 Abdominoperineal Resection 60 Total Colectomy and Total Proctocolectomy 61 Anterior Resection of Rectosigmoid: End-to-End Anastomosis 62 Anterior Resection, Stapled 63 Anterior Resection of Rectosigmoid:Side-to-End Anastomosis (Baker) 64 Ileoanal Anastomosis 65 Rectal Prolapse, Perineal Repair 66 Rubber Banding and Excision of Hemorrhoids 67 Perirectal Abscess, Fistula-in-Ano, and anal fissure 68 Excision of Pilonidal Sinus section vi: gall bladder, bileducts, and liverchapter 69 Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic 70 Cholecystectomy, Open Retrograde Technique 71 Common Bile Duct Exploration, Open 72 Common Bile Duct Exploration, Transduodenal Technique 73 Choledochoduodenostomy 74 Cholecystectomy, Partial Cholecystectomy 75 Cholecystostomy 76 Choledochojejunostomy 77 Local Resection of Hilar Tumor, Klatskin 78 Biopsy of Liver, Open 79 Anatomy and Resections of the Liver 80 Local Resection of Hepatic Tumor (Nonanatomic) 81 Right Hepatectomy (Segments 5, 6, 7, 8 ± Segment 1) 82 Left Hepatectomy (Segments 2, 3, 4 ± Segment 1) 83 Extended Right Hepatectomy (Segments 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ± Segment 1) section vii: pancreas and spleenchapter 84 Drainage of Cyst or Pseudocyst of the Pancreas 85 Pancreaticojejunostomy (Puestow–Gillesby Procedure) 86 Resection of the Tail of the Pancreas 87 Resection of the Tail of the Pancreas with Splenic Preservation, Laparoscopic 88 Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure) 89 Total Pancreatectomy 90 Splenectomy 91 Splenectomy, Laparoscopic 92 Splenic Conservation section Viii: genitourinarychapter 93 A Gynecologic Procedures Overview 94 Total Abdominal Hysterectomy 95 Salpingectomy—Oophorectomy 96 Gynecologic System—Routine for Vaginal Procedures 97 Diagnostic Techniques for Cervical Lesions—Dilatationand Curettage 98 Ureteral Injury Repair 99 Donor Nephrectomy, Laparoscopic 100 Kidney Transplant section ix: herniachapter 101 Repair of Ventral Hernia, Laparoscopic 102 Repair of Ventral Hernia, Open Component Parts Separation 103 Repair of Umbilical Hernia 104 Repair of Indirect Inguinal Hernia 105 Repair of Indirect Inguinal Hernia (Shouldice) 106 Repair of Direct Inguinal Hernia (McVay) 107 Repair of Inguinal Hernia with Mesh (Lichtenstein) 108 Repair of Inguinal Hernia with Mesh (Rutkow and Robbins) 109 Repair of Femoral Hernia 110 Repair of Femoral Hernia with Mesh 111 Laparoscopic Anatomy of the Inguinal Region 112 Repair of Inguinal Hernia, Laparoscopic TransabdominalPreperitoneal (TAPP) 113 Repair of Inguinal Hernia, Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal (TEP) 114 Hydrocele Repair section x: endocrine115 Thyroidectomy, Subtotal 116 Parathyroidectomy 117 Adrenalectomy, Bilateral 118 Adrenalectomy, Left Laparoscopic 119 Adrenalectomy, Right Laparoscopic section xi: head and neckchapter 120 Tracheotomy 121 Tracheotomy, Percutaneous Dilational 122 Radical Neck Dissection 123 Zenker’s Diverticulectomy 124 Parotidectomy, Lateral Lobectomy section xii: skin, soft tissue, and breastchapter 125 Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection, Melanoma 126 Breast Anatomy and Incisions 127 Modified Radical Mastectomy 128 Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection, Breast 129 Axillary Dissection, Breast 130 Skin Graft section xiii: vascularchapter 131 Carotid Endarterectomy 132 Vascular Access, Arteriovenous Fistula 133 Venous Access, Port Placement, Internal Jugular Vein 134 Venous Access, Central Venous Catheter, Subclavian Vein 135 Resection of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 136 Aortofemoral Bypass 137 Thromboembolectomy, Superior Mesenteric Artery 138 Femorofemoral Bypass 139 Femoropopliteal Reconstruction 140 Saphenous Vein in Situ Arterial Bypass 141 Thromboembolectomy, Femoral 142 Inferior Vena Cava Filter Insertion 143 Endovenous Laser Ablation of the Great SaphenousVein and Stab Phlebectomy 144 Shunting Procedures for Portal Hypertension section xiv: extremitieschapter 145 Fasciotomy 146 Escharotomy 147 Principles of Amputation 148 Amputation, Supracondylar 149 Incision and Drainage of Infections of the Hand 150 Suture of Tendon Index


Robert M. Zollinger是美国凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)医学院外科教授,是世界知名的外科专家。

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