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电子商务:中国视角:a perspective from China

电子商务:中国视角:a perspective from China

1星价 ¥47.5 (7.3折)
2星价¥47.5 定价¥65.0
  • ISBN:9787542953803
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:448
  • 出版时间:2017-02-01
  • 条形码:9787542953803 ; 978-7-5429-5380-3






Chapter 1 Introduction to E-commerce1 1 E-commerce Development: Past, Present and Future1.2 Concept and Classification of E-commerce1.3 Basic Program Pattern of E-commerce1.4 Legal Relationship of Participants in E-commerce1.5 Impact and Role of E-commerce in the Modern EconomyReferences Chapter 2 Development Strategy of E-commerce2.1 Development Strategy of E-commerce and Internet Thinking2 2 The Environment of E-commerce Development2.3 Government Development Strategy of E-commerce2.4 E-commerce Strategy of Enterprise2 5 Strategy of cross-border E-commerceReferences Chapter 3 E-commerce Technology Foundation3.1 The Conception and Composition of Internet3.2 Common Internet Service3.3 TCP/IP3.4 Application and Management of Domain NameReferences Chapter 4 E-cornmerce Website Construction4 1 The General Design4.2 Software and Hardware for Website Design4.3 Website Content Construction4 4 Investment Budget on WebsiteReferences Chapter 5 Internet Trading Behavior5.1 Overview of Internet Trading Behavior5.2 PurcHasing Behavior of Internet Consumers5.3 Online Trading Behavior5.4 E-government ProcurementReferences Chapter 6 E-marketing6.1 Segmentation of E-marketing6.2 Target Market Positioning6.3 Branding Strategy of E-marketing6.4 Pricing Strategy in E-marketing6.5 Channel Strategy of E-marketing6 6 E-marketing Service Strategy6.7 Marketing Strategy of Mobile E-commerceReferences Chapter 7 Online Promotion7.1 ConcePt, Classification and Functionality of Online Promotion7.2 Implementation Procedure of Online Promotion7.3 Online Advertising7.4 Website Promotion7.5 New Ways of Online PromotionReferences Chapter 8 Electronic payment8.1 The Traditional Mode of Payment8.2 Electronic Payment8 3 Two International Security Protocols in Electronic Payment Systems8.4 Electronic Banking8.5 The Third Party Payment8.6 P2P Lending8.7 To strengthen Guidance, and Promote the Rapid Development of Electronic Payment in ChinaReferences Chapter 9 E-Commerce Logistics9 1 Overview of E-commerce Logistics9 2 E-commerce Logistics Model9 3 E-commerce Logistics Technology9.4 The Internet of ThingsReferences Chapter 10 Security Management in Network Transactions10.1 Fundamental Ways in Analyzing the Risks and Administration in Network Transactions10 2 Client Authentication Technology10 3 Preventing Intrusion by Hackers10.4 The safety Management System of the Network Trading10.5 Legal Protection of E-commerce Transaction SecurityReferences

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